Summit Gaming looking for Raiders and mythic players! 4/8H looking to push CE 2 day

Summit Gaming is coming back for future xpacks and end game content. We are looking for a good ranged dps and some solid healers to push mythic end game content, we are open to experienced raiders and officers to join our core, currently for ranged dps, now 8/8N 4/8H we are still recruiting some solid healers and ranged dps for our CE roster we also have added a day for a Atoc only group which is going to be sat. 730-1030 east

Raid times
Wednesday Thursday 730-1030 east
Discord: Force9014
Bnet: Force#1405
Bnet: Grunkleg#1670
Bnet: Krispyish#1937

Still looking for Tanks, Ranged DPS and Heals!

he’s not wrong still looking for player for mythic prog

Still looking for raiders

Need a few more ranged dps and heals

Heard u found a Stud player! Teams Looking Great Here!

SuMMiT is back baby and building faster and stronger! Come join something that’s about to be special!

Still looking for some solid healers and big dps to round out the roster

Only need a few more heals and ranged DPS!

Still looking!

Yall need a protection pally - i can raid anytime

To the top

And the top again

again to the moon

Still Looking

getting for herioc week still looking for some ranged dps

I’m pretty hungry.

4/8H still looking for ranged dps

I see your looking for ranged but i am not…im a 594 ret pally looking for a home for the exp. Everything in your post seems to be a great fit and would love to talk if at all interested


Another one