I’m a returning player looking for a semi casual guild. I have previous raiding experience with a resto Druid. Currently on Hakkar server
Pyreanor is a smallish semi-hardcore guild on Wyrmrest Accord that is looking to build our community for heroic raiding in Shadowlands.
Currently we’re compromised of mostly returning players who are killing time until the next expansion.
Our main goal is AotC in Shadowlands content or before without that one guy who yells in voice chat.
Our raid times are Tues Thurs at 6pm Pacific.
We’re currently looking for ranged DPS and Healers for our team.
Aside from the raiding aspirations, we help others gear up and we teach new players.
We hope you will consider joining our crew of misfits in our journey to killing bosses and looting epics and make our core a little bigger.
Please let me know if you are interested via btag or Discord.
Zandrae#1418 / D: Rialius#0301
What’s up Trigs. If you’re looking for a guild that runs Monday and Wednesday from 9pm to midnight Central time and love being jokey and rowdy then we might fit you nice and clean. Currently on the Madoran server and would love to guide you through on your healer (or whatever you want to play) from normal raiding all the way up to mythics. Hit me up!
Hey Trigs!
We are currently recruiting all roles for our guild over on Zuljin. We are a fairly laid back guild with an active discord full of people who play all types of games. As for raiding, we plan on raiding on weekends, and pushing Heroic AotC.
If you have any questions, feel free to hit my up on Bnet or Discord.
Bnet: Kranely#1346
Disccord: imKranely#7770
Bump bump.