Returning Home, looking for H Wpvp/Raiding guild

I’m still not sure what class I want to roll yet. I’m thinkin Mage, Shaman, Druid, or maybe a Rogue, although that last one is kinda at the bottom since I really want to try something new.

Tbh I didn’t know what realm to roll on, except that I was hoping to find a Medium pop so it won’t be too overcrowded. So hyped to be back home, though! It’s great to get a chance to do it all again, and then some!

I guess I should mention where I come from. I got my start back in vanilla about a month before BC. I made a druid as my first character, but the undead rogue was the character I fell in love with, and mained and continued to level until the BC came out and I got 70 finally after maybe a month or two in real world time. It was a proud moment. I pvp’ed a lot. Really enjoyed running with the AV premades and in general just going around in BG’s. World pvp is what excites me the most these days, though.

Then I made a warrior later around the start of Wrath and did some tanking kind of casually for a while until I got distracted by the shiny new Deathknight class. I had a rl friend who played alliance convince me to roll on his server to raid with his guild, a semi casual raiding guild. We got up to Blood Queen Lana’thel and eventually down her after maybe a dozen or so attempts. Let me tell you that that moment when finally downed her and it was so close, I was one of maybe four players who survived and some how managed push through and finish the fight! It was glorious! I still get chills thinking about it! I would’ve continued pushing through all the way to Lich King and beyond if not for the guild breaking up, sadly. I was on verge of getting Shadowmourne, too!

I regret not doing Ulduar as well, and I don’t know if expansions are going to be part of Blizzard’s content plan in the future, but I would very much like to have another shot at that one!

I know it’s just Classic we’re talking about right now, but I just couldn’t help reminiscing about the good ole days I guess. :joy:

Sorry for the wall of text. I seem to have a way of just vomiting out words endlessly when I get going. Hope to have some grand adventures and silly shenanigans, all that good stuff.

Here you go [H] Guild Fairbanks LFM's See inside 4 details

Hey , we are looking for some more classic vets! I suggest you come check us out . We are looking for a few more roles to be filled up.

  [H] Skeram <Deathbringer Society> 

Why choose us?

  • Friendly laid back guild, we hope to build friendships
  • Competitive and dedicated but semi casual (everyone’s welcome)
  • Helpful, will make premades to farm gear with guildies
  • Content variety , PvE and PvP
  • Classic experience

Guild Goals:

  • Clear all PvE content including Naxx
  • Help members gear up farming pre raid BiS
  • Establish a strong economy with careful planning
  • Be accomplished PvPers, and create various team strategies
  • Hold world PvP multi guild events

Classes Needed:
Druid - 2 Resto Positions
Hunter - Full
Mage - Full
Priest - 2 Holy Positions
Rogue - 2 Positions
Shaman - 1 Resto Position
Warlock - 2 Positions
Warrior Dps - Full
Warrior Tank - Full

We are always looking for PvPers and casual players who wish to fill open raid spots.

Times: 9pm -1am EST (absolute latest). Weekdays or Sunday (TBD).

Loot Sytem We will be using a DKP loot council hybrid system. Gearing MT is priority, everything will be discussed with guild as a WHOLE.

Discord: add Hordor#1703
or join _ (remove underscore)