[H] Guild Fairbanks LFM's See inside 4 details

about these 33 members:

  • 18+ yrs old
  • Majority are Wow Veterans members
  • Knowledgeable
  • Reasonable
  • Will help others progress to b raid Ready to get thru Raiding Content Smoother as a guild(Team)
  • We understand/respect the fact Real Life comes b4 wow.
  • We know when to buckle down & be Serious

Guild name:

Currently being voted on w/ all Suggestions done by Members


/roll as it was a landslide vote by majority of members

Current Roster:

8/ Warriors
5/ Hunters
4/ Shamans
4/ Priests
3/ Mages
3/ Warlocks
2/ Rogues
2/ Druids
4/ Undecided at the moment


Discord: Atomicor#9192
Bnet: atomicor#1235

N/A between hrs 4am-12pm Eastern Standard Time

hi! whats up guys?

1 Like

What are your raid times PST?


Count me in! just give me times and stuff

6:30-7pm Pst raid time starting by the looks @ raid-days-times voting as its a rough draft

now the real question, horde or alliance?

Horde already seen the alliance side

excellent, I will join as soon as the queue dies down by like… a lot

add me as friend on discord & or bnet