Good morning/afternoon/evening, guild recruiters!
I’ve recently returned to Retail from Classic in an effort to situate myself before Shadowlands drops. I’m hoping to find a home that plans to have a strong showing for Shadowlands.
Veteran player who has raided since vanilla, with experience in higher level content and Mythic+. Very flexible in what I bring to the table, willing to master all three specializations and play the best spec that fits the raid needs. Most recent retail experience was 7/8M Uldir and 3/9M BOD before quitting for Classic.
I typically prefer a smaller community type of guild, but one that does prioritize progression content. If you’re not intending to get CE, that’s perfectly fine. My typical minimum content to be satisfied is about 50% of a Mythic tier, but doing more than that is preferred.
I want to have people to play with outside of raids as well, particularly to do Mythic+. I enjoy getting raid/dungeon achievements early on in a tier before they’re easy to steamroll.
I’d prefer a guild that only raids 2 nights per week, but 3 during progression is also fine. Consecutive raid days are highly preferred because of my odd work schedule.
Contact Information
Feel free to add me to BTag (Sindustry#1215) or Discord (Brandon#6119). Of course I’d also appreciate you posting your guild spam here so that I can read about how you represent your team.
Thanks all! Best of luck in Shadowlands!