I am looking for a guild to go into tbc with.
A little about me…
I have thousands of hours of gameplay from classic to wrath content cross almost every class. I am looking for a semi HC or HC guild that is raiding after 5pm EST. I strive to be the best I possibly can at my class and will go above and beyond to produce good results. I have not decided on my class/es for TBC and want to find the right guild before I do. I have multiple lvl 60s but will happily level a character I don’t have. IMPORTANT! I would like to dps or tank, not a massive fan of healing, but will consider part time healing, like prot pally tanking and healing when not needed. I bring a lot of knowledge of the game to the table and enjoy helping other players in game or with their gameplay if they want it.
What I am looking for from your guild…
I am looking for a progression minded guild that likes to have fun. Whether you consider yourself “semi HC” or “HC”. I wanna clear the content at a high level but I care more about enjoying myself with my guild. Don’t get me wrong, I can be as sweaty as the next guy and will if needed. But I wanna enjoy the people I play with. I enjoy pvp and pve so if both are found in your guild that is a plus. Feel free to give me your guild “pitch” and I would love to get in voice or chat on discord.
Feel free to add me on discord. Phoenixphire662#2354 I look forward to hearing from you 
Welcome back, please consider Vae Victis as a possible home for enjoying the nostalgia of The Burning Crusade.
Vae Victis - Deviate Delight - RPPVP
US Eastern Standard Time
Vae Victis is a Troll culture inspired guild, but all Horde races are welcomed.
We have just become established and members are working on character progression, but we plan for our focus to be guild and community building events:
*RP Dungeon Runs
*Patrols through alliance and disputed territory
*RP social events
We have an inclusive culture and espouse honorable PVP. We do not condone griefing the enemy; spitting/tea bagging/ganking, or other negative interactions.
Deviate Delight Boons
*Tight knit community, both inter-guild and cross faction
*Good people you run across stand out and are more recognizable
*When TBC hits you are less likely to experience the prolonged queue times.
Contact Zalazane or any any member of Vae Victis for more information.
Discord: discord.gg/E7AUjtAN
Hi Thehound,
Come check us out. We are looking to clear content and be competitive but community will always come first. I enjoy playing with people I like as well and most button pushing can be taught to any competent person. I also have more hours than I would like to mention on my retail mains pre cata and 90% of that is raid leading and being a GM so I know what I’m doing. My raids are laid back and fun but we get stuff done quick and efficient. Check us out and if it looks like a fit send us an application. Also feel free to hit me up with any questions.
Hey there! Avant Garde is looking to push in TBC and looking for new members!
Come check our recruitment discord out and see if it’s something you would be interested in!
https:// discord.gg/w2c493PGXj
Pretty much everything you say in your post resonates with what our guild (Lionheart) represents and our raiding philosophy. What time is too late for you to raid as we have previously done 9-9:30pm EST start times and go as long as everyone is willing to stick around, often ending at 12:30-1pm on progression content.
What may you get more relevant responses is to share what kind of server are you looking to be a part of? High pop, lower pop? PVP or PVE? There are pros and cons to both. Our Alliance guild is on Bloodsail Buccaneers (RP-PVE) where there is a smaller, more interconnected community. Our server has a fair amount of inter-guild raiding and collaboration to get things done. Not much boosting and people actually levelling and doing dungeons. Toxic players are few and quickly shunned, so it fosters a better game experience overall.
If you are interested in chatting more, DM me on discord Karpundir#7532.