Return to the Icy Realm of Northrend in World of Warcraft®: Wrath of the Lich King Classic™

insta-search/find is ok for AH, but for dungeons it just encourages casual-noob/hardcore-toxic behavior.

Ninjas can’t be effectively tracked and/or excluded from group invites, and that just derives into current awful retail loot systems.


continuing with the level boost :frowning: rip


Removing one of the most important aspect to the game on its prime state is the worst idea I’ve ever heard of. Even retail looks more exciting and promising(words I thought I’d never hear myself say since legion). Good luck and have fun to all playing wotlk classic.


Literally no one in the community said this, Blizzard is just completely clueless and disconnected but they seem to think they know what’s best… THEY DON’T.


No dungeon finder means unless you’re on the giant pvp server (yuck), you’re not getting groups past the first month.


The biggest positive of RDF was dungeon leveling.

I like the removing of DF for WotLK content, but it should be kept in for 1-70 content. People want an alternative to questing/boosting, and low level dungeons are already very scarce.


Yup, no dungeon finder means theyre removing frost badges, and the ability to gear up on your own path.



Way to kill most of the pop for wotlk classic before it even releases by removing the dungeon finder feature. A very small percentage do not want it the majority do. Where are they getting their information? The trolling area of reddit?


In true Blizzard fashion, trying to advertise the removal of a feature (dungeon finder) as a feature in and of itself.

Trying to appease Classic purists who are largely against WotLK and won’t play it regardless is a bad decision that will please few and annoy many. Already it’s evident that it has tarnished this announcement for many people.

My top-voted post on the official forums is about the AoE hard cap added in Shadowlands. In that post I said “This will end badly. Turn back while you still can”. That’s exactly what happened and they had to waste a bunch of time later in the expansion figuring out and implementing compromises. So I’ll say it again here: This will end badly. Turn back while you still can.


By “a lot of the player base”, do you mean a lot of the retail Vulpera furries?? if that’s the case, then good…


ya i syuffered through classic to hit 60 looked forward to tbc cuz of the lfg thing well its bot spam now no dungeon finder for wrath no freaking thanks i refuse to stand in dal and spam trade all day i will not do it


Tend to agree with you.

Just do an informal scan of the responses in this topic and there’s your ‘we heard from our Classic community’ blizz.


I had chills with this announcement until she said no dungeon finder


I disagree with you.

You say you’ve “Listened to the community” for your reasons to not include dungeon finder yet the community is here and not a single person who has commented on this thread has said they like the idea of no dungeon finder. Finding groups even on the mega servers takes forever because of the amount of spam (mostly from boosters and gdkps) in the looking for group channel. Put the dungeon finder in, if there is actually one person that doesn’t like this feature they don’t have to use it. But as can be seen by this thread the majority of us want this because looking for groups is awful right now.


i hate the horde with a passion but brother i said the same thing more excited for 10,0 than the best time i ever played wow

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There was talk of surveys being sent out over the last few months, I never got but one question was about LFD.


No RDF is the dumbest addition I’ve seen, and just validates that Ion/Blizzard truly does not understand what the community actually wants. Look at all the comments below. I don’t even need to say anything, it’s all been said. It’s a tool that assists people, it does not interfere with “social bonds” in any way. I’ve personally met people from RDF in real life and became lifelong friends with them. They are confusing RDF with the trash that is in retail.


not worth it, don’t bother. consider your guy’s time wasted if you put any effort into wotlk classic… is going die out faster than you can put out a fire.


Also have to love trying to appease Classic purists by having no dungeon finder right after introducing a boost that caused all those same purists to abandon BC :smiley:

All that appealing to purism goes out the window when money is involved.