Return to Karazhan Mythic Spawns You in Upper Kara

Still happening.

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Same here. Reported as a bug, hopefully it gets fixed soon

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I have had the same issue as well as other guildies. I had it port me in to shade of Midvah as well.

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bump having same issue

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Thank you, me and my partner thought we did something wrong as this is our first time doing this. Was getting very frustrated, glad we arenā€™t the only ones with this.

Bump same issue over here!

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Yea its bugged for sureā€¦ please fix asap


The same thing is happening to me. Spawn by the curator, no buffs, crystals donā€™t work ect

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Same for me

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Same here.

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Bugged still please fix Karazhan entrance so we can farm mount @blizzard devs

Thank You!!


Glad to see it was not me. Been a while since I farmed for the mount. Entered the instance and was like ā€¦ wtf ā€¦ lol

Come on guys, why is this still an issue? Its been like three weeks now! FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT!


Same issue here. Every time I try I spawn at the curator. :-/

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same here i spawn at the curator aswell

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This is really stupid. I donā€™t understand why itā€™s not fixed this long after the patch dropped.


Perhaps it is something new that needs to be discovered. Maybe Blizzard ā€œchanged it up!ā€ Maybe it is not a bug at allā€¦

same here i spawn at the curator aswell.

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Still buggedā€¦

Still bugged 2/11/20

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