Return to Karazhan Mythic Spawns You in Upper Kara

Since 8.3 dropped Return to Karazhan has been spawning multiple characters after the Curator boss instead of the entrance before the Opera Hall.

None of these toons have lockouts at all. Did something change in 8.3 to cause it to behave this?


Same here.

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Same issue here

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Glad it wasn’t just me. Hopefully it gets fixed. You can still trigger the nightbane run by running back to lower Kara and opening the front door, but it’s not ideal.

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Can you do that after killing curator or do you have to sneak past him?

I had this happen to me, I killed Curator then down to kill Opera etc just fine.

Huh… I tried that and didn’t get the buff for Nightbane. Maybe I’ll try on another toon and make sure I click the door n stuff.

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I’m having this bug as well, glad to know I’m not seeing things.

Yes same I thought I was tripping, so anyone know what is causing it?

Same thing happened to me trying it 3 days in a row.

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Oh thank goodness it wasn’t an intentional spawn swap spot. Not ideal starting there since I’m only in the dungeon to farm Nightmare.

Yeah I just did this and ran into the same bug. I clicked the door when I eventually got around to it but I never got any buffs or timers. I killed curator and clicked his crystal the second I zoned into the instance I guess you’re not supposed to do that…

I tried that but the front door wont open.

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Had to start farming it this patch…

Saw this post, figured I’d bump it. Same thing happened to me and a friend. Zoned into the start of Upper Kara, went back through, killed Curator and clicked all the crystals but didn’t trigger Nightbane at all.

Same as here! I was farming Smoldering Ember Wyrm with a friend in Mythic Return to Karazhan but we started in the Upper part of the Dungeon.

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Same for me.
its always starts at The Managerie sinse last week.
And all of my toons happen this.
I reported last week, I hope it get fix asap.


bugged here too

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same issue here :frowning:

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Same thing happened to me.

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