Return to Dragon Isles

Return to Dragon Isles. Next xpac.


How can we, ‘Return,’ to where we’ve never been?


Hey man I don’t get to name these things.

did you just double post this?

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I propose we rename the leak to, ‘Mysteries of the Dragon Isles.’

That way it’ll be abbreviated as, ‘MDI.’ Blizzard likes to re-use abbreviations. Every expansion we’ve been collecting AP: Artifact Power, Azerite Power, and Anima Power.

Spoiler Alert: In the Dragon Isle’s expansion, we’ll be collecting, ‘Aspect Power.’


No, what are you implying.

Must be a really crappy leak if it falls apart at the title.


Return to Dragon Isles is probably coming out in like


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Return to deez nuts :skull::skull::skull:

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Ha ha return to them!

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Return to Ligma

Return to YOUR MOM!

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Please no.
Dont do it blizz.
Stop recycling vanilla (bfa), BC (legion), wrath (sl) by not recycling cata.

My interpretation of this unfortunate new xpac is that someone at blizzard ran out of ideas and when in doubt, rehash. Remember, this is a “fantasy” game. Dragons and shizz. DRAGONS I say!

So we get dragons. Want cool sci fi stuff? We did that in Argus already. Yawn. TIME FOR MORE DRAGONS AMIRITE

Wait wut? We killed the dragonflight and their leaders? Psha. We’ll just timewarp to a different reality, lol magic ok man. DRAGONS!

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Return to the Returnening

Return to Gilneas

The whole expansion is rounding up worgen, walking them back to Gilneas, herding them into the city, and locking the gates with them inside.

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and burning the city down after


Well obviously.

Close, but no cigar.

WoD and Legion both were recycling BC (Outland, and then the Legion).
BFA and SL both were recycling Wrath (Old Gods/Faction War and then Death).

We’re due for some Dragons and then Elemental Lords expansions, according to the old theory.

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Ligma? What’s that?

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