Return the old UI

Please return the old UI. Keep the new options, and customize from the old UI.
That should help everyone.


You can make the old one it’s literally the same


new ui is good, so is old ui, y not option



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Reverse the best change to the game in a decade? Hard pass…

And if you want the old style, look one post above mine…

Hell, I’ll make it easy for you!

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What is it with all these attacks and belittling over a UI yeah so some of us liked the original compared to this new one it doesn’t give anyone the right to attack or belittle the other.

It would be like these same players who like the new UI all of a sudden had something they really liked and been using for many years taken away then others who never liked the thing came into their posts and started belittling and attacking them.

Are these posts getting out of hand yes, they are but still doesn’t give anyone the right to constantly try to make fun of your fellow player.

Maybe just maybe you know instead of attacking or belittling why not try and help them figure out what they have trouble with the new one.


Much of it is the ones who DONT like it are being VERY insulting even when we’re trying to help them figure it out.
Ive blocked like half a dozen already today over their childish behavior, calling names, trolling, etc because they cant accept that WE LIKE the UI changes even if they dont.

yeah…guy WE HAVE BEEN …and even when we’re helping them some of them are foaming at the mouth anyway.

i even made this to help and theyd rather slander and act like children than accept some help

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You were saying…


Does an add on exist to bring back the old UI? I am just not a fan of this new UI.


This. It’s not hard to configure the new UI so it looks like the old UI.

But it could have been even easier…

Blizzard should have made a checkbox for “Mimic old UI”.

Checking that box wouldn’t actually use the old UI, but instead would apply a premade template with the new UI to make everything look similar to the old UI.

Having a checkbox like this would make it a lot easier for people who prefer the old UI. No need to try to download mods, manually fiddle with the new UI, or try to figure out how to import UI strings into the new UI.


Import that massive string i posted into your edit mode


My edit what.

esc > edit mode > layout dropdown > import

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Ok, great I can see you are trying to help but when they still refuse the help is when you just say ok you don’t want the help that is on you and then walk away instead of keep going after them it is not walking away and just ignoring them right away is where I am seeing some attacks as well.

I thank you for trying your best to help but both sides need to stop these attacks and learn to walk away.

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Thank you for at least trying to help but when they don’t want it is when you walk away and put them on ignore, I know both sides are doing it and both sides just need to relax and walk away instead of egging each other on.

Please understand many of us have more of a matter of fact, your boss professional, kinda attitude. I don’t care about your feelings, it’s just a game.

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It also seems like some can’t accept that some of us don’t like the new UI.

Sharing set ups that just have the UI elements moved to old default position does not give us the same look. The position of the UI elements is not what some of us are upset about. The new UI is a drastic change in looks (the artwork on stuff like the player frame, target frame, minimap etc). Us asking for Blizz to please add the option of a “classic mode” is not throwing a tantrum, it’s not trying to take anything away from those of you who love the new look. More options is always better.

Some people are saying stuff like why didn’t people cry out about this sooner, ptr and beta was there, content creators were covering it etc. Well, we were led to believe that there would be a classic option for those of us who just love the old UI. And I really feel like I sound like a broken record at this point: NO, simply moving the UI elements does not a classic option make! An actual classic option would toggle to the old visual look of the UI elements.



This isn’t the old UI at all.

Bartender4 actually added an “old ui” option :

So people who want the actual Old UI, Bartender4 has you covered.

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And I tried my best to drive that point home with the change to my beloved cheetah form. I wanted the choice, not the force. Now I’m an elk… Blizzard doesn’t care, we all know this.

You have to adapt, you have no choice. We are simply helping you with the process.

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