Return Ranged Survival. Please

Exactly! Blizzard could add more flavour to the current mm spec for example black arrow or buffing insta shoots so would feel more like old survival

Mm is not necessary a turret spec

Why stop now?

MSV is much closer to a ranged spec now than it was in Legion. I wonder why that is? That trend seems to be continuing into Shadowlands. Read the Deep Dive Panel recap. MSV directly contradicts their new philosophy of class over spec design.

What you call “whining” we call feedback. Why stop giving feedback when they’re actually starting to listen?

As a long time WoW player, you should know that death isn’t permanent in this game. :grinning:


This wouldn’t make it feel like old Survival. All it would do, is make it feel like current MM, but with Black Arrow.

And btw…

buffing insta shoots” ?

How would that cater towards the old SV spec? It would still be MM’s abilities?

No, it’s not. But it is designed to be about archery/sharpshooting. Thematically, about taking the time to aim your weapon.
That’s not what the old SV was about. It’s intended theme, was about enhancing ammunition/arrows. Resulting in that you wouldn’t need to aim for the perfect spot before firing your weapon. It would be enough just to hit your enemy and the enhancements(explosives, poison/venom) would do the job anyway.

Mechanically, today’s MM and a modern take on the old SV abilities, would not work well together. At least not if you want to include a sufficient enough amount of those past abilities(and effects) for it to actually feel like you’re playing the old SV.

Simply adding in the correct version of Explosive Shot, Black Arrow + Serpent Sting wouldn’t achieve the old RSV playstyle.

There were a lot more players who opted into and liked the old RSV compared to what there are now and with MSV.

Bummer. Imagine how annoying it is for us who lost the spec which we liked in order to make room for your newfound interest in this class.

Already did.

I linked it in the first reply. When people post stuff like that, this is usually when you guys come out and say that we shouldn’t have 4 specs because – insert reason here –

From some of your previous posts, it’s pretty obvious that you wouldn’t care one bit for the class if it wasn’t for the current MSV.

By your logic, you’re whining about other people whining about something.

If you don’t like reading these threads, then don’t. Don’t click on them.


Why must you care about what he’s posting when you can simply scroll past it? Even if blizzard never ever implements it again some of us will keep on posting and there is nothing you can do it about it. Blizzard brought this upon themselves when they didn’t give a damn about the community that main’d RSV. Sorta like how they didn’t care about the Demo lock mains in WoD when they said “We simply do not want you to play demo” so yeah. RSV 2020





So what is your suggestion?

  1. Remove the melee spec? This is not a solution as I said alot of people find new melee surv Hunter much more fun. Look at the polls that are around this forum and You will notice it

  2. Make a 4th spec? Do You think Blizzard Will add another dps spec ? If they ever do that (which I don’t think so) it would be a tank spec.

People who whine will always be louder but not majority

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You do know MSV is one of least played specs 2 expansions in a row right?

You my friend are the minority, not us.


Prove it or are u just another whinning kid?

Here is My proof:

h ttp://

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Agreed. And I’ve never suggested as much either.


Feel free to check out what RSV could look like in the modern game:
(As, like I’ve said before, we can’t simply add in the MoP version or the WoD version of RSV as they don’t follow the philosophies and design paradigm of today).

I have no idea what they will do in the future. None of us here do.

But something like what I linked as a suggestion, would meet all the criteria necessary for that new spec to be added to the class.

It’s just a matter of changing their minds that it’s worth the time to do it.

Wait, were you talking about a dps spec or a tank spec?

Anyway, as far as tank specs go, the only logical way they could do something like that for this class, is to do it while including mechanics that involve the use of a pet. In order to at least somewhat stick to the class identity and fantasy. But a tank spec which involves the use of pets for their main mechanics? No, never.

That just won’t happen.

That is far to unreliable and to annoying to work with as a tank.

Hunter rep in e.g. content going back to MoP.


Even in PvP, MSV is yet to best the median rep levels compared to RSV.


Look at mm is almost the same level at sv.



And it is not a good source of data to Say “nobody play this spec bacuse well… It is not ranged”

Beastmastery is classified as one of the most boring specs but everybody is playing it according to your source because it is easy. Yet there alot of people complaining how simple and boring is the bm spec

Survival Hunter is interactive and has one of the best mechanics of any Hunter dps spec

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Based on? Got a source on this?


Look at the poll.

And this poll too:

h ttps://

Survival Hunter is the least boring Hunter spec

2 polls plus lots more around the forum

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How does that prove what you stated about why everybody plays BM?

Which btw, everybody doesn’t…

Besides, such polls are a bit too general. It’s better to specify what type of content you’re referring to, as this tends to generate more accurate results.

And thirdly, what’s the actual target audience for that poll? Where did you post it/them?

I should also mention that I don’t actually think that MSV is a horrible spec in itself. I get why some players like it.

But this was not what we were talking about earlier. We were discussing the decision made by the devs to remove RSV in favor of implementing MSV. A spec which you can see, is nowhere near as popular as the old RSV was, in general.

Also, we are questioning how they justified such a change even though no one was actually asking for it to be done at the time. As, the excuse we got back then, was a sh1tty one, to say the least. An excuse that held no merit whatsoever, going into Legion.


Has there ever in all of history been a time when someone saying “IM GONNA KEEP DOING IT AND THERES NOTHIN U CAN DO BOUT IT” did not look extremely childish?

Like, yeah sure you guys can keep whining, and we can keep laughing at you for being cliched gamer manbabies. At this point, I honestly hope you guys don’t stop, because I’d have to find other idiots to laugh at.


You’re the ones who continue to argue against other player preferences(and feedback) just for the sake of doing so.

You guys are even arguing against suggestions which are made in order for all of us to get what we want.


Look I am not against you. But most of the whiners are crying to get the new surv Hunter removed which is annoying and not fair since there are alot of people who love the current spec.
I myself boosted a Hunter just because the new survival.

I support the idea of a 4th spec but honestly I don’t think Blizzard Will ever do that because other classes Will start asking for a 4th spec as well.

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If these post bother so then why look at them? It is not like MSV being removed next expansion, or is it your worried if enough players speak out then Blizzard may just change their minds and bring back RSV?


We are where we are now, and I’m not one to advocate for something that would result in the same outcome as where we are already, just with different faces on each side of these arguments.

I get why players have come to enjoy current SV(MSV). Keep it, it provides an option for those who want to play as melee hunters.


Maybe, maybe not.

Hesitation to add a spec option to one class just because of what other players might ask for in regards to their own class(es) is another sh1itty excuse not to do something which in itself, would make a lot of sense (considering the history of the Hunter class).

Some players will always complain about others getting something new, even though they aren’t as well, for the time being.