Return of Elitist Jerks

elite and elitist don’t mean the same thing

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Don’t worry Kord, there’s always going to be jerks out in there in a game this popular. Take my advice. Find a few good, trustworthy friends, and level to max alongside them or with a non-elitist guild. It will make the game way more interesting and memorable, and will be less likely to make you want to pull your hair out while leveling.

Were you under some sort of impression that everybody was going to be loving and nurturing in classic and no other game?

Damn right there’s going to be some jerks. That’s life. This game isn’t some oasis where all good things shine down upon us. It’s a 15 year old game.

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I stopped reading here. Seriously get informed before judging players.


There is nothing elitist about them either, is that better for you?

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It’s pretty common in pugs that healers and tanks are played by the scum of the earth type personalities, they use the class as a free pass to be a douche, knowing people need them. It’s basically what classic produces in a person because trying to get gear is so disgusting.


Yeah this is a huge part of the appeal of Classic for a lot of people. It’s why they hate random dungeon finder. You can’t hold a group hostage to your narcissism when they can just kick and instantly replace you.

It’s a mix of the game being made by filth, and the game being played by filth. The game is just designed by scum who made 90% of this game with the sole intention of making things take forever to achieve so they can squeeze another month’s sub out of you. The goofy streamers who pretended finding pugs was the fun part of the game never pug.

Ion mathematically proved that pre-nerf c’thun was impossible, come talk to us when you can do that… he’s a smart dude.

Benediction is awful, I have an alt on and it’s insane. The day classic came out, people seemed friendly and like returning players that stopped in BC etc or just players that are current but played vanilla back in the day etc. I believe the elitists are the only ones that have stayed on, unfortunately.

In these pug groups you have to be aggressive as the tank, mark a skull and move swiftly if the healer has 3/4ths mana. I only once had a complaint and it was from a newb shaman who wanted to do chain lightning pew pew as the healer, i was taking too much damage for him to spam damage spells [rofl this isn’t BFA].

In a group like yours where they are being outright toxic and continuously being d-bags, i would have let the lock tank the mob he pulled and if the healer healed him and pulled the mob from him, i’d probably let them both die and try to run out of the instance. The lock’s healer buddy would likely let you die anyways in a group like that.

these people sound more delusional than elitist

LOL when i heal, my damage is nil
If i can, i will toss faerie fire to debuff armor, maybe moonfire the random single mob that tries to run, other than that i worry about people not dying, i like having tons of spare mana for those oh schizz moments.

And so far, i heal pretty well.
My DPS sucks balls, but i can keep people alive.

Which part of this did you miss?

Lemme guess… Every group you’re 8n has a d-bag!

I have legit seen hunters saying “WTS blackstone ring” with the item link and everything, all the time…we all know what he means, and if you were aware of princess runs in the
first place then it should have been pretty easy for you to figure out on your own what this rogue meant.

Seems like a lot of the replies to your post aren’t much different from your online experience.

EJ was a guild they are not on Classic from what I have seen.