Return Lost Souls

Cannot pickup the weekly Return Lost Souls quest from Tenaval in SInfall. And yes the toon is renown 15 lvl 60. Relog did not work exit restarted pc did not work clear cache did not work, guess I will always be one renown short every week.


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A lot of people are having this issue.

The quest was initially available for me but when I hit renown 15, it disappeared.

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Also Having the same problem, please fix blizz! dont wanna be behind in renown

When the reset happened this week I was behind the renown cap by one. When I logged in Tuesday the quest to Return Lost Souls from the maw was available from Tenaval the Soul Warden but I didn’t pick it up. Completed one of the quests that brought me from renown rank 14 to 15, which increases the amount of souls that can be rescued from the Maw. Problem is he no longer has the quest to rescue souls. This now leaves me further behind because I can’t get to the renown required to do the next Venthyr campaign quest.

I am also havign the exact same problem as well.

I encountered the same bug.

I also encountered the same bug

Same issue. Submitted a ticket but that will take 2 weeks. We need a blue response please

Same issue for me, the marker for it and everything is gone.

Confirming that I am also experiencing the issue on my Venthyr are well. Completed all callings/quests before reset. After reset, only the 1k anima renown quest was there, and I still don’t see the collect 10 souls. Currently renown rank 16.

Idk that it will help any but I went and got the 10 souls on my hunter and when I logged back into the DK, the quest was there.

Logging out and logging back in worked for DH, quest was right there.

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