First thing after reset I turned in a quest that increased my Renown to 15, which allows for an increased number of weekly souls from the Maw. However, the quest is not being offered from the NPC who usually offers it. I have reset my UI and relogged to no avail.
I have the same problem (Kyrian).
same here. necro
I had the same issue except previously I accepted the quest and abandoned it after turning the “More souls quest”. Then after abandoning it I went back to same quest giver but no longer had the quest.
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Same here, Venthyr
Samesies as Venthyr.
Same, Night Fae, I had the quest then my Renown went up and said I could rescue more souls so I abandoned the quest and now the quest giver does not offer the quest at all.
+1 as Kyrian
Same for me, it appears to have been fixed.
Yup… Its back and all set.
Resolved on my end as well.