TL:DR at bottom.
The Spec tree is where your dps playstyle should really take shape, however, I don’t think that Ret’s playstyle really gives definite decisions in how you want to shape your character.
I think Hero Talents are being added to help address this, but I think this ultimately gives this feeling of underwhelming, half cooked ideas on how a Class could be played.
The issue with Ret, is that there are these “pockets” of talents that just don’t feel good or flushed out.
- Crusader Strike, Crusading Strikes, Divine Hammers, Blades of Justice, Holy Blade, Templar Strikes, etc…
- Empyrean Power, Empyrean Legacy, Sanctity, Tempest of the Lightbringer, Blades of Vengeance, etc…
Now when you look at the Spec:
Crusader Strike, Crusading Strikes, Divine Hammers, Blades of Justice, Holy Blade, Templar Strikes, Double Judge, Double Hammer of Wrath, etc… don’t really allow for a smooth rotation/gameplay.
All these abilities give Ret this faceroll playstyle as it just gives Paladin 2 charges of every ability.
Is Templar Strikes, Improved Blade of Justice, Double Judgement, Double Hammer of Wrath, and Divine Hammer a “smooth build” or is it just a bunch of random abilities that deal X holy damage and generate 1 HP?
Where is the skill involved in that?
Something that needs to happen is a clean up of all these abilities.
As for the rest of the tree:
The talents that feel good universally, are in the middle-- which is a good thing. These are “core talents” that work in any given situation and are good to be in the middle of the tree for any build.
Obviously things like Vanguard of Justice and Jurisdiction could use a little rearranging to be a bit more accessible, but those are talents that probably need a bit more adjusting as is.
As you move to the ends of the tree, it kind of gives you this false illusion of making a Holystrike vs Radiant Paladin, but the talents above them don’t really aid in doing so. In addition, the “Radiant Paladin” is heavily focused in AoE, making it not a choice of play style, but content.
So we go into one of these “pockets” of abilities that just feel like they aren’t quite hitting their mark.
- Tempest of the Lightbringer is a good talent.
- Blades of vengeance isn’t as exciting as it could be.
- Inquisitor’s Ire doesn’t really emphasize Radiant damage without Burning Crusade.
- Sanctify feels a bit underwhelming.
- Empyrean Legacy and Empyrean Power feel redundant and a bit clunky.
As we look to the Holystrike vs Radiant build, we see that talents feel a bit scattered and Radiant rely almost entirely on AoE.
Even abilities like Blade of Justice don’t do Radiant Damage for some reason, and Blade of Vengeance only contributes to Radiant Damage if Expurgation is taken as well.
In addition, the animation of abilities like Divine Hammer and Divine Storm, do not change when altered by the talent Burning Crusade, giving this weird feel of fantasy.
Abilities that look Holy, Divine Storm and Divine Hammer, do Radiant damage, and abilities that look Radiant, BoJ, do holy damage.
- Imagine if Frostfire Bolt had an animation of just Frost bolt.
All in all, this doesn’t really give any satisfying playstyles, imo. Instead of offering a really fun and interesting Holystrike build and a really fun and interesting Radiant Build, with the option to mix and match if you so choose, we just get this half baked mess.
While I know this seems like a lot, this was mainly just the explanation of why things feel the way they do. Basically it comes down to:
Our baseline abilities need to be cleaned up.
- Crusader Strike →
- Improved Crusader Strike
- Crusading Strikes
- Templar Strikes
- Blade of Justice →
- Improved Blade of Justice
- Holy Blade
- Vanguard’s Momentum
- Divine Hammer
Less is more, and currently these talents give Ret too many charges of all these abilities, and make them all fundamentally have the same effect. Deal XYZ Holy damage and generate 1 Holy Power.
After that is figured out, simply reevaluate all these talents.
Then revamp the PvP ones, lol.
Keeping in mind, I am aware Blessed Champion gives cleave to Crusader Strike. So I know it’s not that easy, but Blessed Champion isn’t the most ideal talent in showing CS cleaves.
The animation isn’t really there, apposed to things like Sweeping Strikes or Improved Death Coil.
If Blessed Champion isn’t negotiable, then obviously sticking to an improved version of Crusader Strike is always an option.
- Baseline: Crusader Strike
- Talent Choice 1: Crusading Strikes
- Talent Choice 2: Fires of Justice
Or whatever. ¯\ _ (ツ)_/¯