RETs are privileged in game

So is this another way of putting it if someone has a difference of opinion than what you or the op share?

I mean dang, if that’s the case, I guess I can just end every issue I have with people by using your logic.


Also, this. At what point is enough like this person posted.

Ret has been nerfed, it’s been adjusted multiple times now since its revamp. At this point, I am just going to mark each one of these threads as spam.

It’s usually the same damn people or using alts to post this crap. The best is when you get that one special player who’s like if I post this on my paladin, my opinion holds more meaning.


After all the nerfs levelled at Ret, it ‘s time for those still whining to look in the mirror and consider the fact that they need to L2P.

Balancing should not be based around the lowest ability to play among the player base.

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Oh I know they have, but we still have people crying for Ret nerfs, and it’s eventually going to get Ret nerfed again, and the possibility of them nerfing Ret across the board and not just in PvP makes me nervous lol.

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Yeah at this point it’s clearly a L2P issue for the remaining whiners.

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just remove mages. they’re a tired archetype

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What are you eye rolling about, I see your 8/8 in LFR, congrats for your accomplishment. You are riding the meta train, rets are the easiest to climb in pvp at the end of the season. Even the best pvpers quit pvp because how broken rets are, it is not you that are good it is the game design, give it a break. Even with the meta spec your win ratio is not that high lmao.

The level 10 Rayzens, show us your main, I dare you.

so much this.

all these people pre-dragonflight “WE WANT OVER 15,000 BUTTONS TO PUSH BECAUSE THAT SHOWS HOW MUCH SKILL YOU HAVE!!!” are insane. some specs have insane button bloat, theres no reason you should need more than 25 keybinds for pvping (not including targeting, focus, etc macro binds) or pve. theres no excuse, its just piss poor design.

the game should be positioning and actually playing, not waiting for your addon to light up one of 64 buttons so you hit it at the right time.

Well I’m using the full 12 x 6 bars plus a 12 button gaming mouse.

Why are you looking at my lfr, lol…

I haven’t mythic raided since wod.

You’re just regurgitating all the complaints rets has been getting since .7 launch.

The difference is that you must have missed all the nerfs and haven’t caught up to most players who have gotten accustomed to ret now that’s it’s been brought in line.

Again, locks are one of the best classes to fight a ret, you’re doing something wrong.

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You are eye rolling at me so yes I’m judging you, I do pve and pvp, what do you do, come on show off. I’m waiting.

i have a 12 button mmo mouse as well, plus a few keys and shift+

but if you are actually playing with 72 keybinds that is a horrific mess and honestly embarassing from a design perspective.

Thats the equivalent of adding separate gas and brake pedals for every gear in your transmission. in an automatic transmission with a separate steering wheel for every couple gears. its a pointless waste of time and a complete design failure when fundamentally most of the things perform the same function.

Check your light privilege.

You need a lot of buttons if you do both pve and pvp, out door and instance, there are so many gadgets.

And this is why I play with warmode off.

Week zero, need to play WM on for blood tokens.

Yeah I don’t PvP at all, PvP in this game is like a rolling dumpster fire that’s about to crash into a fireworks factory that’s right next to a children’s hospital. It’s a complete atrocious mess and I simply don’t have the care to engage with it anymore. Heck I don’t even think I’ve stepped into a PvP match or BG since season one of shadowlands.

Oh my Godses, those dang ret people with their ret privilege.

Anyone who complains about Ret being overpowered needs to learn to play.
You can literally kite them to oblivion since Blessing of Freedom is dispellable again.
Wings only does 10%, the self-heals are horrible.
The only defensives we have are on short durations.
Like, y’all got what you wanted with the PVP nerfs and yet people are still complaining.
At some point, it stops being a class/spec problem and starts being a “I’m a horrible player.” problem.

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Im diversified.

Used to do everything, you’re more than welcome to look at my history yourself.

Now only have time for casual pvp. I do lfr for the lore. I’ll do normal for aotc mounts at the end of an expansion

That’s not what’s important, here.

Your complaints about ret in world pvp of all things to complain about, as a lock, is silly.

Locks are able to play very well against ret.

I had a demo give me a run for my money the other day.

Against you’re doing something wrong if you’re getting steamrolled as hard as you claim you are vs ret.

The nerfs we’re substantial, stop blaming everything on class balance.