RETs are privileged in game

I understand they had a bad reputation and a low pop, but it doesn’t mean juice them up is the only way to pump up the population, I know you are going to nerf them soon but at this very moment, they have a complete support toolkit AND not suffering anything on the damage side. They are attacking ppl freely in the new town, with 4 city guards chasing them, AND they have enough tools or cool downs to run away from the guards, suffering zero consequences. Are the rest of us players supposed to just suffer from these rets?

I have complete Season I gear to the teeth, plus four blood token gears that has the right stats, the ret will bring me down to 30% HP in the matter of 1-2 sec, he simply press HOJ, and then attack me freely, if I trinket, fear him, curse him to slow, he would hand of freedom and horse up, I fear him again doesnt matter. I put portals on high ground he would just run away not engaging. he has more HP than my lock which means he has full blood token gears ( horde advantage). Someone told me 10 ilvl in pvp dont mean much, lmao, it means everything.

Bliz if you are gonna put guards in the city, MEAN IT, MAKE THEM DO MORE DAMAGE, right now we are being harassed. It bothers and it sucks. I saw this ret chasing one of our warriors in town, over and over, so i got involved, now he wont leave me along BECAUSE HE CAN, HE IS A RET.


In before the flood of rets trying to gaslight you into “Ret isnt broken”, “The nerfs were enough”, “Ret sucks now”.


right now they are walking side ways, my realm Loamm is always under attack because these ppl are not scared of the guards. Ret has 2 x 1 MIN CD shield, immunity to self and to others, HEAL, HOJ, HOF, 2 charges of charger, huge burse, WINGS blah blah blah, TOO MUCH !


ret pallys have always been over powered just sometimes its more than others and sometimes they are very over powered but people dont know how to play them.


It gives me Burning Crusade ret flashbacks, and I hate it.

(fingers crossed for a “To the ground, baby!”-style nerf)

Also Monk probably needs a rework as well, but so few people actually play it they probably won’t notice. Mist just got nerfed, but it was very strong, so it was understandable.


Mage, all 3 specs, should get a ret revamp.


you count your CDs and use them spread out the fight, dont make it sounds like rocket science. it is about NUMBERS and rn RET’s numbers are TOO HIGH.

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its not hard playing ret im just saying the people who suck at them just suck at the game.


When blizzard said they were buffing ret survivability by saying they “die too much”, never crossed their minds that ret players are just stupid.
Most of the people that cried that bubble, 100% heal, sac, sov, bop isnt enough were just idiots.


i have had this toon as a main since cata its always been OP if you know your class just alot of sucky players out there.


just like certain streamer said, ppl who play ret are those who think they are better than others, their holy power, their golden armor their high horse, they think they should be god. NERF WHEN??? Dont get me wrong, I am feeding a ret alt, but I dont really care about the playstyle.

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Blizzard had the numbers. Ret was dying the most overall.

An oddity considering the state Mage and Survival Hunters are in.

But then I remembered.

Ret Paladin is one of the most played Class/Specs. Only those like BM Hunter are played more.

That explains everything.


yes and due to being played the most you have more people complaining or hyping it.

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Ret has always felt like a feast or famine spec to me. It has these periods where is is exceptionally good, only to get nerfed because there is no way to properly balance around abilities like bubble. So they spend lengthy periods languishing at the bottom. I wanted to try out the new version of ret but I know that it’s just gonna get nerfed in the not so distant future. So what is the point?


I played my alt quite a bit, they have very short CDs, defensive and offensive, so at any given moment they have something powerful to press, the rest of his abilities are coming off CD as we speak, it is too much, HOJ CD should be longer, it also stun you for way too long, on top of the short CD and long duration, his dmg doesnt break the stun, bubble length should be reduced, they are completely immune for way too long, unless we just happen to have a warrior around. TOO MUCH.

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Kinda insane that they put such a strong cd like wings on a 1m cd with a long af duration. These devs are on drugs to think that would be a good idea.


I think they assigned someone to watch the population of each spec and tuning accordingly. But that person has some kind of a simple mind. On top of that, that person need to wait a period of time for some kinda of an approval meeting to do any changes, hence why rets are still not brought to the ground.

Dont think this is real on any possible universe.

Only the popular classes get that.

It’s why they keep nerfing BM Hunter. They want another class/spec to be the most played.

He can because he is in wpvp.
The amount of toys and items useable in wpvp make it a chaotic mess, not the spec.
Your guy probably far outgears you, better trinkets, full tier set…etc and is using the new items like volatile crimson embers + Potions of power + elemental phial, along with wings and trinket to burst you down to 0 quickly.