RETs are privileged in game

I love it. The flood of ret hate has pretty much stopped on the forums except one or two threads here and there from players with crappy anecdotal evidence since they just haven’t caught up to everyone else who’s gotten a handle vs ret.


Odd that in Wpvp ya know the place that benefits kiting the most ppl are having trouble kiting especially this new zone freaking cliffs and ledges everywhere. Knock backs getting solid value. An Lava have definitely knocked quite a few in there an Lasso killed

Nope, stop it with your common sense.

OP knows exactly what he’s talking about.

Nerf wings to 5% increase and give wog a 3 min CD


They have way too many tools all on a very short CD, immunity is too long

Oh right, i rememer that time where dk was 1 shotting entire groups with divine toll and immunities.
And now 1 shotting people trough defensives, good times…

Bubble is 8 second long on a long CD and can be removed by two classes.

Yeah our defensive utility is high.

But guess what isn’t?

Mobility and CC. Use that you your advantage.

If you’re having a hard time controlling and kiting a ret as a freaking lock with ports on top of buildings no less, then you’re doing something VERY wrong.


No ret is one shotting anyone through defensives.

Wings is a 10% dmg increase lol…

Stop the cap. This ain’t a lids store


You may be mad with the latest announcement Ret are getting a 45% dmg and stamina increase in 2 weeks.

Its ok I remember DKs running down people with VP an pet builds doing their work while afking in bgs getting so many nerfs because u literally ate casters alive an still do.

I can survive a ret an get away, but there is no chance im getting any distance from a DK with 3 grips 2 interrupts a silence a blind 2 stuns an perma chains, no continue tho plz
With ur privileged nonsense while being immune to slows an knockbacks stun immunity fear immunity and AmS just eating my damage.

I don’t think you are reading it right, I said very clearly, if I have a port setup high he would just run, also when he is attacking me in town, if I attack back the guards get on me too, root and banging on me, as a warlock how many roots do you think we can handle. What abilities do you think warlock has to kite the ret, I can coil him, curse him to slow, and fear, my inferno is 3M CD they only stun 3 sec, my AOE stun is a CAST and only stun for 2 sec, how long is his HOJ stun for, it’s such a a joke, he has short CDs, hands of freedom is a during immunity to my slow. Give me a break, Ret is broken

You have your port set up on top of ur gate? Are you using a succubus? Health stones?

Like locks are one of the best classes to go against a ret.

At the same time using a world pvp scenario with guards and what not is stupid to use as a case for class balance, let alone a 1v1 situation, which blizz has said time and time again that pvp isn’t balanced around

Here’s an idea. Since you have your own ret, why don’t you go outside SW and duel some good locks and see what they do.


Here’s the OP’s alt:

Probably playing destro in PvP and can’t kite to save their lives…

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/Eye roll

Can’t say I’m surprised.


Yeah, just ignore world first raiders perspective on retri survivability and call it a skill problem when objectively retri had fundamental problems.

It had Steed on the global, divine shield still is, but is near mandatory in higher content to do mechanics, it had no way to get out of raszageth knockback without externals, it’s only defensive was also a dps cooldown.

The list is long.

Are average one trick ponys “who have played retri since wrath” probably too old for the game. Yea. But it’s undeniable that retri had design problems.

And it’s just patch 1.0.7 where they are tuned strong. They scale off of versa and crit, so they will start falling off in the new season.

Hold your steeds folks, just cause something is strong in an off season where ppl get the chance to push above their ability and pick up their AOTC/CE KSM/KSH doesn’t mean the class is permanently overpowered.


you are a ret so why aren’t you invincible if you are so overpowered

Remember in Shadowlands when they were legitimately unkillable due to the tank legendary and could one shot entire teams? Ret paladin players are 100% shameless with the whining.


Wings + tool + final reckoning, so balanced. Funnily enough, all the gaslighters rets came for me instead of the op, so thats fun.

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Nerf them in PvP only though, I’m tired of specs getting dumpstered in pve along side pvp because they overtune a spec for pvp.

They have several times.
Avenging wrath in pvp only gives 10% boost, and with the nerf to crit in pvp it has been weakened even further.
divine protection only prevents 10% damage in pvp.
BOS only reduces damage by 20% in pvp.

From wow arena logs
ret is mid tier in 3s, it is hovering around 48.6 % win rate compared to warlock which is at 52.0% for destro, and 50.3 % for demo, ( above 2.1k).

When you include all ratings it jumps up to 49.2%, The lower the rating the higher the winrate, the higher the rating the lower the winrate.

What makes it worse is that the top performing class across all pvp content is warlock
52.2% in 3s
55.2% in 2s
53.2% in SS
This thread is a result of skill issue, and the lack of understanding how wpvp works.


Rey will get beefed but I’m PvP only