Something must be done, this is beyond ridiculous
http s://
Something must be done, this is beyond ridiculous
http s://
Just kite the damage bro, its easy to avoid. Just kite the damage.
theres no way this garbage will be maintained for the next month
Raging thunder in the skies
Time has come to sacrifice
We are warriors,
Born from the light
An army for freedom,
Defenders of life
Euphoria will rise
Returning from darkness
We bury all lies
dont want to hear a warrior btching about damage
Yeah, it was funny for the first 2 days, now its just stale. Time to nerf.
warrior is not even top 10 on pvp single target metters
Says the shaman, Ele is one of the most oppressive insane damage dealing classes in the game RN besides ret and evoker and then MM one shots from stealth.
Everyone needs their damage toned down and some classes need their sustain damage/defensives/mobility looked at in return.
At least once ret blows his wad and his bubble he’s basically a piece of paper towel you can just sneeze on the rest of the game for him to die and he has to run for his life or die in a millisecond.
Trinket linking here should be ok.
Jk we got multikilled by 170k decree
You’re a warrior…
But anyways rework ret blizz thnx.
Sorry pal, i dont play ele. Cant wait for the ret nerfs
how did u not see it coming?
the ret had to press like 10 GCDs to do that much dam
I report ret paladin to blizzard for cheating all I gotta say is blizzard reads it and BYE HACKER!!!
i were 100% HP, he winged, i disarmed him, then he explode light and then trinket my disarm and after 1 second i was dead
thats plenty of time to react man
just gotta get good brah
Why would you disarm? Why would Ret trinket? You can use Judgement, Divine Toll, Final Reckoning and Radiant Decree without a weapon.
disarming a ret during burst is actually useless af lmao it gets me every time
disarm his mind
1- he only needed final reckoning, decree and judgement to kill me
2- i didn’t know everything is avaiable through disarm, then he killed me in 1 second being disarmed (its even worse than i thought)