
I applaud you for at least trying to mitigate burst by using your abilities.

I’m simply letting you know disarming a Ret that already has three holy power with seraphim up will not stop the burst if those CDs haven’t been used. May not need 3 holy power as long as three targets are in line of site Divine toll will give you 3 holy power for Decree.

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Learned that lesson the hard way lol.

yeah, today i learned that rets can make radiant decree into punching decree because logic

imagine being so garbage that u try to disarm a melee class on its burst

jeez kid. get good already

/sarcasm btw


The most frustrating part of all this commotion over how high damage is that in your climb, even when you are playing really solid, you lose games to teehee you died instantly

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1 second.
A single player is responsible for this.
Game composition is based on 3 players.

Same with evokers and ele sham, dude ive been in some lobbys against ret/evoker and u never know when u can be one shooted

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i thought devoker two blue balls cast were suposed to “set-up” the incoming damage… last week it hitted me for 150k

I can’t find explode light in my talent tree. Help me…

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I’m not sure what MM hunters you are fighting but I have yet to be 1 shot from an MM hunter since I was fresh 70 with 300 Ilvl and 0 gear, once you get gear you don’t get one shot.

Bruh MM hunters open with aimed shot and DT rapid fire you are at 10% HP. Maybe not you, but I know I am cuz im wet paper…

You got plenty of cd to stop that, or stop them, or have your healer heal you, or play ring around the pillar so they can’t get that AS off, idk there’s always something you can improve on to not die. But I have yet to see anyone, even paladins, die to MM in stealth in a long time.

Yeah because SoV helps so much in arena. Instead of 10% ill be at 20% if i’m lucky… Bubbling in the opener you might as well forfeit the match? You can’t even LoS rapid fire once he’s already doing it so it just follows you behind the pillar like arrows do…

My only defense to hunter opener is if I can HoJ him as soon as he pops out to stop but but its delaying the inevitable.

Ok well stay with your healer so they can heal you, or play offensive and just stay at the closest place to where you can HoJ him, or BoP if you actually go to 10% like you say you do, stack more vers, take Rep and then Rep him so that he uses Counter Shot which stops his Rapid Fire, like I said there is always something you can do.

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I’m just saying damage is too high across the board right now. Obviously I do things to mitigate it but I think everyone is frustrated with the state of dmg numbers right now for many classes at least the burst aspect of it…

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For sure, just taking a look at this forum you can’t go a second without seeing someone saying “Nerf This!!!”. Things do need to be tuned down, I just don’t think MM is worth looking at right away. Based off what you said it seems Ret defensives need to be looked at before MM damage.

Yeah I’d agree with that. For sure MM isn’t the top problem for burst damage but if you take a look at Venruki’s latest video about top burst specs it goes

  1. Retribution Paladin
  2. Dev Evoker
  3. Ele Shaman
  4. MM Hunter

So it’s definitely up there for sure. I hope blizz continues to nerf/buff frequently and look forward to what they hinted they have in store for ret paladins. It’s definitely not fun to be a 2 minute Andy and I know it’s not fun for the people playing against it either…

Don’t forget the sleeper feral. I love feral, and jungle. But that bleed aoe be nutty lol

You’re a dk…

Wild how good earthen is in to like DK and how comically useless it is in to ret