Retribution spec bonuses

I like season 3 over the other two, but I dont’ know if even I would want it as baseline, because to maximize it, you have need to add in more judgements, wasting holy power at times to get it out before you spend.

I would not be apposed to it being a playstyle within the spec tree though, similar to how you can choose between Crusader Strike, Templar strikes, and Crusading Strikes.

Personally I prefer the Templar Stikes playstyle. So use to it thanks to Crusader Strike, but I enjoy the two hit combo. However, as of this moment I run Crusading strikes because it sims the highest. Funny thing is though with enough haste though Templar Strikes plays almost exactly as Crusading strikes as Blade of Justice procs so much that you hardly have to ever hit Templar Strike.

I think when blizz rework the set they are gonna make it so that the tier set casts expurgation so we dont have to talent in to it or casts another dot they p[romised to improve on the set.

If they made it that judgement applied a dot mabye not expurgation but something else reworked that would be much better and would free up a talent slot

Season 1 is the best for pvp for that straight damage %

you could say this about any talent though–any node that becomes baseline frees up a talent slot. expurgation does a very good amount of damage, not to mention our first block of talents has absolutely 0 competition. it’s a very efficient talent choice

This is exactly this. When you have people in the FACE of actual FACTS and still suggest an INFERIOR and SUBPAR Season 2 set bonus over the data driven and proven Season 3 set bonus, that it directly tells you that they don’t personally care about actually playing Ret as an class.

Chickpowa really has 1 argument and it’s really not an argument. Chickpowa is literally hoping that they tune the subpar and currently inferior season 2 set bonus.


As a matter of fact it’s been blue post about tuning Ret as a whole and we are STILL looking bad.

Oh yeah another fact……. When they did the initial rework almost out of season 1…… for like 1 or 2 weeks MAX we where properly tuned. Then you know what your loved blue post making Blizzard team that you (Chickpowa) so trust to “do the right thing in the name of fun” did? They nerfed us to almost last again.

At this point I honestly think that people are literally trolls. Most of those also main other tunes.

Trolls usually dance around actual facts and push their flawed perceptions AS fact. Chickpowa is a troll. Just as they trolls with misinformation, actual sensible players of the class will comment with facts. It’s good that they/ trolls only have 1 vote.

Season 3 is simply the better option with actual data to prove. Not just personal opinion


Whoever voted for season three, should be playing a warlock…:joy:

It is certainly a multifaceted problem. You mentioned scaling and that is a big part of it, another issue is forbearance. After Ret was reworked it was VERY strong, but the huge nerfs in 3 days and more nerfs every week for 5 weeks following the rework put us back to Pre-rework effectiveness, then a bunch of specs got buffs or reworks that were also buffs. Ret falling behind in pvp is obvious and the nerfed version of the tier set didnt help. But its not the tier sets fault Ret is laking instant mobility, mortal strike, disarm, and has less CC that remains during damage done. Since Ret didnt have the tools to succeed, if it also does less damage than specs with all the tools, and two Vanishes, and Shadowy Duel, and Smoke Bomb and Percentage based healing, its going to be a bad time as Ret. Just the 2 stacks of Wound Poison my rogue has makes it much more effective against durable targets, because some of the health they lose is difficult to regain. Smack someone with a few 100k judgments and FVs and they heal back up no problem if there is no mortal strike effect.

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Ill give you that, S3 does have the coolest animation additional effects, as the other seasons didnt add visuals. It sucks that S3 is best for almost all content, but was nerfed so much for pvp people dont want to use it. If a tier set does the best damage in recent history for a bunch of content, youd expect it to also be great for that one bit of other content but pvp specific nerfs makes it do nearly nothing but cost you the stats you want.

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You can vote with all the character you can use on the forums too…
That’s why we got a bunch of level 10 with no photos commenting :slight_smile:

And I asked in a ticket and Blizz are fine with it!

Amazing isn’t it?

One of the more interesting conclusions you can draw from this mess is that, despite some players saying “pvp is a minigame and barely any1 participates”, you can clearly see there are about as many if not the same amount of players engaging in pvp as in pve.

S1 voters most likely just quest or collect mogs.

I would prefer this approach but cant see it happening this would be the best most fair outcome and would have more people playing the game but blizz dont seem to care

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based on how close it is here on NA Vs EU, i do not think its pvp vs pve. It truly would not be this close otherwise. I believe its pvp/play style Vs pve numbers.

Vote S2

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Ret s1 bonus is better for PVP More pvp players in europe that is why

Exactly. We SEEN for a little 3-5 day period what proper tuning looked like and we got nerfed to the bottom again.

I will never trust Blizzard to do anything right about the ret spec. Season 3 is the only viable option being the numbers/data show.

If we are able to go back to the first day of the original dragon flight rework with out current talent tree layout will would be just fine

Season 3 is the vote

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and that’s an unfortunate reality.

The number of votes represents nothing, if you have 100 forum characters you can vote 100 times.

And even if we were to accept your premise, EU votes disproves it.

Double divine storm animation > 4 hammers I can barely see in AOE.

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we vote for the transmog in a different thread, this one is only power. There I do hope S2 wins with a new recolor, that chest is a banger.
Also these votes may not be showing the truth, as you see i came here from EU, and other ppl used several alts to vote 10 times etc.

I also wouldnt discount the possibility of blizzard giving us all the sets in the end of this voting thing, several characters are split between either pvp or pve, or just fun/numbers.
That is something this new nice blizzard would do in my oppinion, one can hope at least.
I do sometimes would like to just go S1 so my WoA’d go BRRRRRRRR

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