Retribution spec bonuses

Anyone who says a flat % increase is more fun than an interactive tier set is crazy, ret has like 4 buttons you mash in any order. Having the echo casts on judgement give a fun playstyle vs hitting anything as fast as you can. The S3 playstyle in pve alone beats the other sets.


Ya that’s a terrible take on your part. The forums are a miniscule number of users compared to the total users in game. You have to actively engage with this vote. There’s a better than average bet most players do not even know this poll exists.

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Vote season 3 unless you want to be horrible in M+ and unwanted.


No one said it is more fun but its the best set percentage wise S1

Lol season 2 was amazing in mythic Plus what kind of drugs are you smoking you literally just hit Hammer of wrath and it applies judgment to everyone giving you a flat damage increase what is bad about that kid

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You lost hammer boy

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season 3 does hes saying

the problem with the season two bonus is that it doesn’t help ret’s undesirable dmg profile.

as a ret, u can either do good single target or good aoe, but u can’t do both at the same time.

so having a tier bonus that buffs your aoe really doesn’t help ret in mythic plus because rets will already have really good aoe pad dmg in their mythic plus spec.

what rets need is a tier bonus that buffs their single target when in aoe spec and buffs their aoe dmg then in single target spec.

season 3 does that the best.

your templar’s verdict does more dmg (even in aoe spec) and your divine storm does more dmg (even in single target spec).

season 3 is the best tier set bonus for rets because it gives them the ability to apply some better prio target dmg while in aoe spec and it gives rets the ability to do some more aoe dmg when in single target spec.

the season two tier bonus gives almost zero value in single target scenarios


It’s not amazing in mythic+.

It’s literally target capped at 4 and does no damage.



Everyone voting for season 2 is literally trolling. S3 the best option for the majority of content and the funnest to play.

Hope this isn’t chosen by 2k casual andy’s.


Judgment increases the damage enemies take from your Holy Power spenders by an additional 15%…thats Season 2 Dragonflight lvls. upgraded for season 3 the same as the current season 3 tier, it would likely read 25%…making it the exact same single target bonus as hitting an extra time for 25% effectiveness…(actually due to the 2nd hit not being affected by certain other bonuses its actually less…)

Judgment and Hammer of Wrath deal 10% increased damage and 15% increased critical strike damage. samething…scaled to S3 lvls this over a fight can produce the same or more single target dmg than the S3 2 set…

too say S3 is better than S2 in single target is straight up disingenuous.

too compare S3 and S2 without using equal values as tuning is going to be done, is the same as me saying “hey im gonna take off half my gear, when i use this tier, oh look i did less dps than when i had my full gear on and used this other tier! so that tier is worse…” no you just used less gear… (ilvl, S2 scaling in general vs S3 scaling), you have the S4 values somewhere? or you just pulling every comment you making about this out of thin air?

Vote S2


hammer of wrath applying judgment to four enemies is not very impactful given that (in mythic plus or aoe situations) rets already spec into their judgment hitting multiple enemies.

you are ignoring the increased dmg of expurgation as well as the wrathful sanction dmg (which is quite significant).

no im not…i legit add they can be scaled to produce the same resulting dps…expurgation isnt that amazing or significant and from what ive been told you still run it even if S2 wins at 35% less dmg, its still 2-3% of your dmg instead of 3-4%. so all your really asking of the entire S2 2 set is to produce a 6% overall increase in dps, which single target scaled up it most certainly can.

You really think blizzard is going to properly scale the set bonuses?

listen man im not gonna sit here and argue with you over “will they or wont they” its what they said.

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Actually PVP by the numbers are a US situation. EU including some OCE servers like Frostmourne are primarily PVE. Honestly the PvP community makes up a little more than 17-20% of the total population…. And that is active “going for gladiator” PvP’ers . That population is very small.

It’s not even about numbers for s3 pvp.

The design is clunky and doesn’t work with the chaos that is pvp.

The only fix I can see that can make s3 tolerable in pvp is if they make expurg undispellable AND increase the duration

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They can’t even fix S3 in pvp, what makes you think they’ll tune S2 to be even close?

this has been a part of my argument since the beginning.

because as the poster above me just echoed its not about tuning for pvp. the fundamental design of S3 tier is straight up bad in pvp…can i see them tuning S2 as they said they would to be good in pve? absolutely.

the “fix” for tier 3 to work in pvp is to change the tier…the “fix” for S2 in pve is tuning. one is much more likely than the other.

Especially given: we’re going to update the power of the set bonuses to match the increased power of the new gear in Season 4, so any bonuses you choose will be tuned to be as strong as any others. <–their own words.

Vote S2

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ignore chickpea he has 0 pve experience in season 2 where this tier was played. he is pulling numbers out of his bum. do not engage with this known liar and bad actor. look at his logs and you’ll see the only experience he has in s2 pve is lfr sarkath

same thing applies to everyone saying season 2 was good in m+ most likely they havent played it and assume m+ is capped at 5 mob pulls at a time.

also keep in mind this isnt a pvp vs pve situation. not in the slightest. this is a casual/fotmer vs pve thing

good pvpers are voting for season 1, EU has the good pvpers