Retribution spec bonuses

most likely combined, otherwise why have votes? :thinking:

Season 3 is superior in dps in PVE by a huge margin regardless of how things are going to be “adjusted/balanced”. If you do not vote Season 3 then you are actively trying to make Ret worse going into Season 4. No one cares what the tier set does in PvP.


Just look at the EU voters. PvP does not matter as much as PvE. Tough pill to swallow but that’s how it is.


false narrative, fake news, bottom of the meter dps talking about being worse Zzz

Vote S2

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I understand the idea that alot of rets think season 2 multi hammer is cool and all but considering it barely made our cleave competitive and did almost nothing for us past 5 targets where as season 3 set does both similar single target and vastly more aoe, its not even a competition. I wish pvp’ers could have their own set bonus separate from pve as s2 is better for them. but in all other forms of content it just fundamentally lags behind season 3

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Prove your parses are better than mine. With leggo ret is one of the best ST specs in the game. Look at the sims bro.

Quote from the Head Ret expert and Ret editor from Wowhead Bolas

" Quick info for people wanting to have context to vote on the Season 4 tier set with:

Season 1 Entirely passive. Has no effect on your rotation at all.

Season 2 Entirely passive on single target, increases Hammer of Wrath priority on AoE.

Season 3 Massively increases Judgment priority and incentivizes weaving Judgment casts in between Divine Resonance procs during cooldowns.

Blizzard has said that they would balance whichever one was chosen, but the gap between them is so large that anything other than Season 3 might need a 2x or 3x buff for us to not just use the Season 3 tier set for the entirety of the next season too, and their track record on balancing Ret tier sets has been pretty poor, so bear that in mind when making your decision.

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Go watch Liquid Max’s video.
Listen to the GOAT gentlemen. VOTE SEASON 3!

Quote from the Head Ret expert and Ret editor from Wowhead Bolas

" Quick info for people wanting to have context to vote on the Season 4 tier set with:

Season 1 Entirely passive. Has no effect on your rotation at all.

Season 2 Entirely passive on single target, increases Hammer of Wrath priority on AoE.

Season 3 Massively increases Judgment priority and incentivizes weaving Judgment casts in between Divine Resonance procs during cooldowns.

Blizzard has said that they would balance whichever one was chosen, but the gap between them is so large that anything other than Season 3 might need a 2x or 3x buff for us to not just use the Season 3 tier set for the entirety of the next season too, and their track record on balancing Ret tier sets has been pretty poor, so bear that in mind when making your decision…

That’s his quote.

Season 2 is the most fun option rotation wise. Being able to use Hammer of Wrath as a
Judgment substitute felt so good on the fly, compared to the cookie cutter rotation we have now especially


He legit started off saying Vote S2 lmao “it was awesome”, than switched cause some in his chat said S3, than when he checked how close the vote is he said oh nvm chats wrong cause theres no way it would be that close otherwise and when people like you said “its pvper’s” he said the obvious, theres no way its that close if it was pvp vs pve only.

Vote season 2 for a better Ret

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Still chose Season 3. EZ. Vote Season 3 for a fun and better dps ret.

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your one of 3 whose said anything about S3 being fun lol, not even your own S3 supports called S3 fun as part of their arguments.

Voting S2 is a vote for Fun, a vote for S2 is a vote for a better Ret

Raw data shows Season 3 is just more dps.

Season 3 also has more Ret’s at 3k io faster and more rets in the 3500-3700 1% range than any other season of M+

The “better ret” is in the numbers. Season 3.


stop feeding the liar troll

Wrong, stop spreading misinformation.

A better Ret is S3 and it’s no contest.


Raw data is S2 tier AS IT WAS vs S3 Tier as it was. this is NOT what we are getting S4, we are getting a version where they are scaled up and tuned equal ACCORDING TO THE BLUE POST FOR THE VOTES. your raw data means absolutely nothing cause you arnt comparing the new numbers, you dont have them.

Vote S2 for a better Ret.

whos the liar troll? Bolas?

might have misremembered then because it changed so little :person_shrugging:
doesnt change the fact that s3 beats s2 in everything other than pvp ^^

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