Defensives are in fact up for debate in this conversation. If healing is so very valuable, Ret wouldn’t have ever been the number 1 dying spec in PvE encounters.
Ah right, I forgot to add that Feign Death removes all harmful effects and reduces dmg taken by 90% for 1.5 secs if they talent for that in PvP
Retributions heals are not going to indefinitely keep you alive, theres no such thing as a true hybrid anymore. All Dk specs used to self heal more than ret, are they healing hybrids? Technically yes.
Like i said though theres no real hybrid, and paladin has 1 dps spec unlike mages and rogues. If your spec is bad you swap to another spec. If Retribution is bad then that paladin is a dead character to ANYONE who wants to dps. Now granted i do think that rogue should be #1 but ret should be above mages and hunters.
No your real take away from any of this is that players are mad Ret isn’t completely dumpster tier “lolret” for the first time since ICC and it’s just competing with other top specs.
who cares? That should be a good thing it means they’re a good pick… leave Retribution paladins alone if you feel otherwise as I’m sick and tired of my talent tree getting reset every time people cry and complain about Ret paladins
I’ll never understand how Blizz can have access to this kind of information or better and still have the median difference between the top DPS and the lowest DPS be nearly 10% overall.
Just nerf the top 2 specs by 5%, and buff the bottom two by 5%… and balance is already better. I’m convinced they overthink it.
I get that that’s why I don’t see the need in overnerfing just buff other classes myabe even consider making more classes with less button bloat idk just a thought.
The hybrid tax is gone. There is no reason ret or any other spec cant top the charts for a while. It usually doesnt last anyway.
I agree, nerf Sub Rogue.
Okay. So, I’ve asked this a few times now. But, lemme try it again. If the hybrid tax is gone, why do they retain hybrid benefit? Why don’t we, as pure DPS specs, also get to waste a few DPS GCDs to heal when we’re low. Why do we get taxed for not having a healing or tanking offspec?
Then what about the next top 2 dps? We just keep the cycle going?
No, you stop once their spec is 1st.
You do have a benefit though???
You have better
Utility - TW and AI are both better than what ret has specifically
All these things better than ret. Its why i agreed with devs that ret should be slower. Our dps is the only reason to bring a specifically dps paladin. Mages again have 3 choices on specs.
I would say we can choose 3 different playstyles. In our case fire frost and arcane. If ret wants to dps they just get the 1. Beside a better question is why are all 3 mage specs in the bottom half? We cant get just one in the top half?
Besides, there were plenty of expac where a spec was crap but people would say just spec heals lol or go tank. No spec should languish just because your choosing not to tank or heal.
Yea its why i really hope instead of overnerfing just buff underperformers. Then after spriest take a look at what spec needs a rework and go from there.
I fully expect shadow just like ret to be high on the dps list, and they should be.
It’s not anymore. See below.
What range are you running this on? What player percentile? Damage to Bosses? It’s odd to present evidence and also cut out the criteria used to gather such evidence.
It’s odd because if I run past day at 95%, you know data that only contains post-nerf data, Ret is 6th overall and 9th overall to bosses.
Overall, 95%, Past 1 Day:
Damage to Bosses, 95%, Past 1 Day:
It’s funny the scam artist using old data to spout sensationalism and create doubt is able to post links but I can’t.
30 sec CD, sure.
Also everyone knows you’re not really dead lol, it’s used pretty much just because that PvP talent is required by ALL hunters.
I still don’t understand why we can’t let rets have a W in the raid for once in the last 15 years