Retribution in Shadowlands 3v3

Hey guys,

Finally got into the beta last night and tried out this spec that I’ve heard so many horror stories about, the spec that I’ve mained since cata.

I actually believe we are going to be hit with quite a bit of a nerf as they tune down healing and damage, but i’ll let you see for yourself.

Let me know if you guys would like to see more of this… Pretty busted


They gave us more burst and healing to shut us up. Then when live hits we’ll get nerfed and be trash. They buffed the wrong crap no one asked for.


While I agree that damage and healing isnt what I asked for, I havent had much of a mobility issue on the beta yet, even facing arcane and ele’s… Im playing nightfae and using speed freedom


I really, really wanted to go Necrolord for the Transmog, sadly. I really like Vanquisher’s hammer too for some reason.

My huge complaint with the ret mobility is that when we get forced to take a mobility covenant, any other class that doesn’t have mobility issues gets to take a massive defensive or even further mobility.

MW monks who take Venthyr are gonna be pure cancer as a kill target.

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Execution sentence and final reckoning are a beast combo. Were you using seraphim too?

They just need to put a damage cap on executioners sentence

Just line the execution sentence fourhead

This goes against all the doom and gloom I’ve been hearing about Ret for weeks… People who don’t have beta and only read patch notes wouldn’t lie to me would they? Would they?! :cry:

savix played that video like a monkey tbh

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I would like to test Unbound Freedom with Uther’s Guard Legendary if I could get into Beta. I would think that would salve all our mobility issues. I know a DPS legendary is what everyone want to take, but we seriously don’t need more damage anyways.

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I think this will be a very powerful combo, and I wish Ret had Blessing of SpellWarding to go along with it. That would be a very powerful anti magic combo. Something Ret needs.

I want to state: I do believe this will be powerful. Don’t get me wrong.

However, I believe it’s a “band-aid” fix. It is not fixing the core issue which is:

Utilizing a utility spell as a forum of mobility.


  1. A warrior is on your team and you are fighting a monk. The Monk Flying Serpent Kicks to the healer, the warrior charges, then the healer ask for a disarm to help “peel” the monk’s damage.
    The warrior effectively used his mobility without the need of his utility.

  1. A paladin is on your team and you are fighting a monk. The Monk Flying Serpent Kicks to the healer, the paladin has to use BoF and Divine Steed in order to catch up, then the healer asks for a BoF to help “peel” the monk’s damage.
    The paladin had to use BoF and Divine Steed to close that gap. The paladin had to use his utility to effectively use his mobility.

This is the underlining issue that Paladins face with relying so heavily on Blessing of Freedom.

Shamans don’t need to utilize Grounding in order for Ghost Wolf, Feral Lunge, or even Spirit Walk to function. Warriors and monks don’t put Disarm or Tiger’s Lust on cooldown when they charge or roll.


Go to the extreme. You could take any poorly designed class and give it a one shot button and make a great pvp highlight reel. Execution sentence and final reckoning will be the go to pvp talents but paladins will be tunes around have those spell.

All the Doom and gloom hasn’t been able numbers it’s about how the class plays. And about how we lack in so many aspects of the game.


Delete this now before Blizzard sees, this actually makes me kind of excited for Ret.

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Again, this is just numbers tuning. Our damage AND healing WILL GET NERFED. Once that happens in the first tuning pass we will be back to the problems we have now. Divine steed NEEDS either a movement impairing effect immunity OR at the very least to remove roots, snare, and slows on cast so we can at least break free for a second or two.


I waved at you in the RBG last night. Your team got us in Deep Wind GG. Was fun to tank you guys at Quarry though :wink:

Was your Bear tank sad I globaled him? Tell him not to use brambles against a Mastery Prot Pal :smile:

PS- like your vids and also think Prot/Ret might be strong in 3’s due to conduits where Prot should be able to increase Ret holy dmg. I’m not on Beta so can’t test.

Damage was never the problem. Damage will probably be gone during the pre-patch. Why pretend things are fine when they are not?


Our pve damage can never been good because of pvp burst. This is why a lot of rets were asking for better sustain damage. The fact that they got rid of inq for seraphim and buffed execution sentence’s burst and gave us another burst cooldown – final reckoning – has me very concerned.


Yea I agree and the fact is there are other specs that can do this damage and also have great mobility/utility. So Ret burst isn’t even unique especially if it gets blown up from 40 yards away.

I really think Ret needs a base movement speed increase. They need to be at 115% movement speed. Then add in maybe another freedom capability so they feel fast paced.


Remove or rework Heart of the Crusader to add Pursuit of Justice back.


Mobility is not an issue for me whatsoever. Read below.

Ret has more mobility in shadowlands than legion or bfa by a mile, Pick nightfae covenant and get a 1.5m sprint/tp, get a blessing that reduces the cd of steed by 10 seconds, get a passive proc slow. Also take final verdict to make TV ranged, and also give you ability to use another ranged ability in hammer of wrath. Pair this with the rising availability of using speed freedom talent because hammer of reckoning is no longer good enough to pretty much take baseline. Using all of this, and planning out your mobility, I have had absolutely no problem on the beta - fighting rank one arcanes (vultz), rank one eles (piffz), and frost mages in general.

Do NOT believe the naysayers, play smart with your mobility and you will have NO problem keeping up.