Retribution in Shadowlands 3v3

The problem that people have with ret mobility is the fact that rets don’t have the baseline abilities that other classes do in that regard.

This creates an issue where people are going to be forced into a specific covenant for the reasons you listed rather than being able to make a choice that they want to, without it being inextricably tied to player power, which was the pseudo-promised goal of the expansion and the covenant system.

The other counterargument to that is when other, already mobile classes take even more mobility to counter melee mobility, you end in a situation that is just as bad (or even worse) than the one before. One common example I use for this is that I can’t wait to see MWs and locks abuse the Venthyr teleport on top of their other teleporation and displacement talents.

Is it possible that your lack of issues in PVP testing come from the fact that Ret’s damage and healing are clearly overturned at the moment? If you can reliably heal yourself when out of range and do devastating damage while in range, the mobility doesn’t feel that bad but when it is tuned down, I feel like it will magnify the issue significantly.

Honestly, if i play my ret I might put my eggs in the Necrolord + Uther’s Guard basket


I mean you just posted a video where every kill is either you literally walking to someone until they let you get in range and you global them, or globaling other melees or people standing still. You don’t think mobility is a problem because you just need a second on target to win. Remove the damage and you’ll notice the problem.

And no, having to build every single aspect of your character to just be viable (and barely at that given your mobility on the video) is not fine. Not when almost nobody else has to do it. That just exemplifies the issue.

everything does big damage on the beta, not just ret.

I am having no issues staying on the target outside of exec/wings when im one shotting either, even in the stuff that traditionally counters me on live. Im telling you, its NOT as big of an issue as you are making it out to be, Play smart with the limited mobility you have and its not that big of a deal


I gotta agree with Lawlbringer, I really think it’s kindof silly for paladins to have to spec into Cavalier, Law and Order (PvP Talent), and Unbound Freedom(PvP Talent) in order to have the basic melee tool kit…

Especially when outside of those talents, we do not have anything game breaking or overpowered abilities.

Now, in Shadowlands, you’re suggesting to spec into Night Fae with yet again, another “required” aspect to get some better mobility and additional Blessings just so our toolkit can function.

It is pigeonholing ret into certain talents/builds that seemly no other spec has to adhere by.

Not to mention beta =/= live, or 9.2, 9.3, etc…


I haven’t played beta so I might not have all the information.
The video shows 3v3 matches which are the main focus of pvp when it comes to balancing stuff indeed, however it’s not the only aspect of pvp that exists.

There are many variables at play in 3s, especially having a healer/partner to help you connect and supporting you, I know “1v1”/open world scenarios/misc will never be balanced nor should they be the main focus of development but unless I’m doing something terribly wrong, I don’t think there’s much you can do as ret if you run into a frost mage or even ele sham and there are no pillars around (unbound freedom can be a big difference here but with C&S gone sacrificing a talent for it is just awful).

I think those situations when you’re hopelessly waddling around is what triggers most people and I don’t see how this is “ok”.

You’re on the Paladin forums. Most people here would chop off their nose to spite their face if they could replace Divine Steed.

Thanks for the video btw, if we survive the tuning phase we’re gonna have a whole lotta ‘oomph’

He also released it before our new talents. Final Judgement looks pretty dope. I remember one of his complaints was self healing but the recent change to Healing Hands change is pretty darn positive.

The ability to use everything but crusader strike and rebuke from range helps out a ton, i never feel like im not hitting the target. every time i play live i feel gutted because i cant ever hit tv from a range now.