Retribution design philosophy

It’s fine if it would have been 3 HP, since when trying to ress someone you’d go in the general direction of where you think he is and just keep spamming the ress while traveling.

With cast time i gotta stop and start the cast when i think i’m in range.
I’m talking about raids ofc, in m+ we generally know where someone is easily and we’re in 95% of cases in range.

But raids are crazy, lots of stuff going around and i feel safer just going and spamming an instant.

We’re already losing a bit of dmg either way. xD

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I wish paladins got Hero and evokers got the rez. We’re pretty heroic, and don’t evokers use some time magic? I could be making that up.

My reasoning is the following scenario: someone dies, giving me Wings via Ret Aura. Instead of going to pound town I proceed to interrupt my auto-attack and miss out on a potential AoW / Sera proc to cast a 2-sec spell. Then I wake up from my dream. Turns out I fell asleep sitting in group finder because the best healing spec is more than likely Resto Druid or Holy Paladin and they both bring battle rez.

I’m kind of joking. I’m glad we got a new toy. If we have any say in the matter, I think it should be instant and cost holy power.


Yeah, I really wanted to see Paladins get “Fanaticism” and Evokers get the combat rez. Feels like all the Mail Wearers have Lust and that should have been spread out to some other armor types.


Mages get it, by playing with time.

Yeah, I meant at least 1 of each armor type should have it. So I can armor stack in my Mythic+!!!

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That’s fair.

Looks like another week without communications over what is happening with Ret and their vision for the spec.


There is usually a couple more late Friday. Surprised we haven’t gotten our weekly hunter update. Yet not holding my breath either


Same… :joy:


Meanwhile Warriors gets detailed walktroughs of changes, tuning and bug fixes.


And it seems it wasn’t too late for Priests too, since the last post for them has lots of nice explanations.

Would be nice for us to get one too… but i’m not holding my breath.


Well here we have it. Put a nail in it…
No comment on direction, no plan for the future, no clear concept for what the class strive to be. Radio silence the whole way through.


The only good thing is we’ll be nuts in pre-patch. Don’t need to buy DF for that, at least.

bump had it with this false ret dev bum


At this point. i’ll be happy if they just remove GCD from horse.

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dude that honestly the elast i expected out of a full on expansion revamp, we dont get even that.


Lol 100% agree all other melee class have a lot of gap closer with short CDs

I personally agree but if blizz is dead set on not letting it happen id at least like one of 2 things to happen. 1 give our cleanse a magic dispel again like in lich king. 2 give imancipate back.

if one of these things dont happen we will never be in a better spot fun wise in pvp. thats just my opinion though

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DK are supposed to be juggernauts as we are. Yet they have Grip (1/2 global) and Deaths Advance (off the GCD) on top of Wraith Walk. Its a joke.


I always have to remind myself that we are the class that is supposed to remove effects that hinder our movement…when BoF is not even baseline and you can easily make talent builds without it. Not to forget there are a lot of npc spells that can’t even be removed by BoF.