Retribution Aura

I either just want Sanctity Aura or have the ability reworked to where it’s not deaths but damage that triggers it.

Like how about Hammer of Reckoning becoming Reckoning Aura? Every party member who takes damage while your Reckoning Aura is active you gain Reckoning. After 50 stacks you do a burst of holy energy and activate Avenging Wrath or Crusade for 12 seconds. (Crusade also starts at 10 stacks when activated.)

I think that would be at least more flavorful and Paladin-like. Allies being damaged makes you righteously angry and vengeful, sort of as a contrast to a Fury Warrior becoming more angry when they get damaged themselves.

EDIT: Oh looks like that was suggest already but worded different, well I still like the idea of having Hammer of Reckoning in some new fashion, that ability is cool.

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Here to beat the dead Divine Steed.

Paladin is a hybrid class. The Lore and class identity is supported by/tied to this. The player base wants Paladin to be a hybrid class.

The reward for a Tank to heal is to keep someone, or themselves, alive. Effort gets reward.

The reward for a Heal to heal is to keep someone, or themselves, alive. Effort gets reward.

The reward for a Dps to heal is to keep someone, or themselves, alive. Effort gets reward.

I will mostly play Ret Paladin in SL, and will use Bop, BoF, LoH, FoL, WoG, and others to keep my team alive. I will not get a DPS reward for doing so…

Be cool if I did, saying that now

(Suggs: Heal an ally below X% withing Xsec, get temp DPS boon <-Neato look at me playing a class that has a positive feedback loop right on introduction)

But, when I’m out of heals, or can’t react fast enough, or know I will be GCD locked on switching auras, I will be forced to use Ret aura.

I’m not going to enjoy my consolation prize, I’m going to push this button when I’ve lost faith in my team, or in the situation that we get ourselves in.

And thats the final thing that makes me absolutely disgusted. This is a button a Paladin pushes when they lose faith