Retired Rogues Pub…now open


Bring it back yall.
Make WoW a World-based RPG about Warcraft, not a combat sim about build balance.

I am playing Classic again.
And found joy.

I feel Retail Class Design is following a Scorched Earth policy of Only The Strong Survive. Designing classes around Always On1 and Know Your Combos2 was a fatal mistake.


Outlaw can be a sea-faring pirate type! I don’t fall in the camp of assassin or thief or whatever “dark” iteration of Rogue is. I like dual wielding while wearing light armor, being quick and stealthier when needed.

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Hmm if I can kill a boss in 1 hit and get 50-100 gold, what is the point of hitting pick-pocket to get 6 silver?

The only thing saving pick pocket atm is bubbling wax.


The current state of lockpicking and pickpocketing is far removed from the potential. Make more noise.

These are professional jobs, after all. :wink:

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