Retail vs Classic vs Classic Era vs SoD players

Why does the community tear each other apart over playing a different version of the game?

Same game same subscription.

Seeing this type of behavior across the entire forum is really baffling. I truly wish we could do better.

IDK, I play retail, Wrath and SoD


We are all trying to make it to Gathering.

I see the appeal of classic but it’s not for me. Been there done that a long time ago, I have great memories but I don’t want to revisit it.

I’m pretty much a retail only player.


Nothing wrong with that, I still would be your friend.


it is weird. it’s a whole us vs. them and it’s really weird lol.
whats weirder is people who like classic get crapped on by retailers but…those same retailers loved classic back then so why scream at those who enjoy it?


You literally are keeping the division alive by saying “this vs that vs this vs that”.

Nobody is against anybody. People just act like idiots because they’re behind a computer screen protected from confrontation.


People are insecure. They feel the need to bash others who are not in their “tribe”, if only to make themselves feel better about their decision.

The majority of us just play what we like and don’t care at all what others do. But, it’s this insecure vocal minority that create this constant game version warfare on the forums.


it is just a zombie like mentality, we are a competetive as humans so it is pretty standard to see classic players berate about retail but it is still funny going into SoD or Classic and mention a sliver of retail. They go full unga bunga. I like both SoD and Retail.


I’ve had my fun in all versions of the game.

Fun doesn’t mean great in all aspects. All versions of this game are a very mediocre experience because Blizzard does not listen to their community.


because we live in an age of insecurity where people need to feel validated for liking things.


All versions are offline on my only day off in 3 years so im pissed.

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I personally don’t care what people play. I think I only had one person on my friends list or in my guild leave to play classic so it really hasn’t affected me. My initial concern when they started working on classic was that it would dilute the player pool, but I haven’t seen that.

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Some of it has to do with people that enjoy Classic giving crap to people that like retail. It goes both ways so it is not just retail hating on Classic. Then you have people that see having Classic as dividing the player base and/or removing resources from retail to make it better. There are also the people that see it as you asking them to go back to dial up when they have fiber. Dial up was great when that was all that they had but given the choice fiber is better to them.

I know some you don’t know what dial up is so you may need to google that.

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Retail is the only version with Nightborne.



Good question. Why are so many classic posters trolling modern wow forums daily - seeking validation?

I find it very odd. They seem to be proselytizing.


This is how people have worked since forever. We split into tribes, cliques, cults, layers, whatever. We discriminate based on race, class, social standing, wealth, anything.

This is what people do.

People want to feel like they are a part of something bigger, and the best way to do that is to find something else (another group) to unify against.

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Yeah the SoD forums are a mess.

Whenever a complaint/suggestion comes up.

1/2 of posts tell them to go back to retail.
1/2 of posts tell them to go back to classic.


I like doing classic era x-pacs in retail. I’m totally messed up.