Retail vs Classic vs Classic Era vs SoD players

Because people seem to be incapable of understanding that just because they don’t like something, doesn’t mean anyone who does like it is wrong.

That being said, I tried to go back to classic but there are just too may QoL changes that have been made over the years that I like bout Retail that prevents me from putting serious effort into classic. Now, I did put more effort into WotLK for a month when RDF came out and got a couple toons to the mid 5000s gear score, but then got bored lol.

SoD I got two toons to 15 and lost interest in both. Meanwhile, my buddy is loving SoD and has like 5 different characters. But, he doesn’t like the faster pacing of retail and prefers the slower playstyle of classic era/SOD. To each their own. I will say this, having played each version, the community present for Classic Era, SOD, and WotLKC have all been far more toxic than I’ve seen in the last 10 years on retail. lol.


i am just too lonely and incapable of social interaction to start anew in classic again
i used to be capable of social interaction but now i can’t do it at least not over the internet really well

I am happy there are the various forms of Classic people enjoy.

I get less happy when those people regularly jump into the retail forums to proclaim that retail is the bad one, and that retail needs to change to be like classic. That classic is just so much more popular. That everyone on classic just isnt as toxic as retail. etc. etc.

It just gets old.

I feel like 90% of the warring mentality would disappear if the classic trolls just didnt start these divisive threads in the retail section of the forums.

(and yes, i acknowledge I contribute by participating in these threads. that is something I need to work on)

People like you drive others away. This is General Discussion NOT retail forums.

Here, for your assistance!

I’ll post where I want. This thread is not just for SoD.


By all means, go for it. I never said you couldnt.

If this were Steam (Steampowered), I’d give you a “Heartwarming” Award.

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