Retail players trying to ruin classic now

Because he is trolling and needs attention.

He wants you to think he is a moron so you’ll come in here and set him straight.

But all he wants is to be pet a little.

I mean seriously. He is posting on a F2P account.

Hopefully Monday this forum will be behind a paywall. Just flag as spam and move along.


Yup. The closer Classic gets and the more interest it receives, the more retail players will naturally gravitate to it as well.

I hope the Classic team was prepared for this, and is ready to say “no” to a lot of lot.


It’s the assumption that people who enjoy retail enjoy a game that isn’t Classic, which increases the likelihood of them wanting Classic to be more like retail (since they play it.)

It’s not a guarantee (and I’m not the OP,) but I think it’s a safe guess.

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Making BGs cross-realm was the reason why the # of WoW subs kept growing through vanilla patch 1.12 through BC and Wrath. See? I can make dumb extrapolations, too.

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While it pains me to say it and it was one of the first steps on a very slippery slope that has led to retail and a deterioration of server communities, xrealm BGs probably did help the game maintain it’s momentum. Not single handedly mind you, but it reduced queues and helped (somewhat) to balance battlegrounds so players who were into PvP and were willing to give up the sense of community for more and better PvP experiences and probably thought this was a boon.

I don’t think that’s a safe assumption of motive.

None of the people I see arguing fiercely for this addon seem to do so because they want to compromise the integrity of Classic, but because they have different ideas of what an authentic Classic experience should be. They could be wrong, but their motives don’t seem malicious or self-serving, unless they’re all being really disingenuous.

Opinions of WoW exists beyond the spectrum of “Classic” to “Retail”. I feel like people really want to make all discussion binary and it’s really frustrating.


Except it is? Your semantics on what ‘safe’ is doesn’t change that.

Except that’s not my argument? I never said they want to compromise Classic, I said they were wrong for wanting it to be like retail. Retail is convenient, and that is not what Classic is about.

Like I said, not the argument. I don’t care of their maliciousness, because my argument against them is that they want Classic to be something it isn’t. You can only be ignorant for so long before finally reading “that’s not what Classic is about” and realizing you’d prefer to play retail.

If they stop after realizing, that’s fine; if they continue, then I think they’re simply wrong and aren’t willing to accept a version of WoW that isn’t like retail.

Except we want classic for what it is, so that’s the most important way to look at it.

Your entire response to me would be reasonable if the purpose of Classic was not solidly laid out already.

So here’s a reminder: WoW Classic’s purpose is to recreate vanilla WoW in the closest way possible for those who loved Vanilla.

I don’t have the video to link, but that’s been made very clear by the devs.


They’ve been spamming/trolling these forums for like a year now. It takes many forms, but it always comes from the same place. Flying, arenas, guild banks, balance tuning, additional races, transmog, items collected/transferred to BfA from Classic, etc.


To be honest, the closer classic gets, the more spam on both forums I have been seeing (classic players in GD instulted BFA players, and BFA players in Classic forum insulting classic players). Why cant everyone get along and play the game they enjoy?


im not a F2p account i am subscribed, and i like how you ignored my last question to you on the other thread, because you know your wrong. nice try. keep your retail trash in retail please. lazy lazy player

I don’t want to defend retail players because a lot of their arguments are completely childish and hold no logic but I just have to say that these kids just don’t understand the art of why classic WoW is such an beautiful art as it is with no changes.

Also 1up to no LFG addon. We can’t have that in the game or it could lead into a darker future with such add ons.


Oh… I see.

You subbed and played to 50 on Retail? It through me off as I don’t see many brand new accounts very often.

What was your question in which thread?

I have suspicions some of them are the same people who were posting the wall of no, and seeing as how they cant stop it from coming now they are going to do everything in their power to kill it.


i made a fresh account and subbed for classic, tryed making a DK so ican post on forums. didnt work. had to level this orc to 10. not rocket science bud. the question you ignored was on the LFG addon post.

Haha… which LFG post there are like 20.

To be clear, I’m not saying that any of the “critics” are correct. I also think a lot of those advocating for even small changes to classic are misguided for the same reasons.

I didn’t articulate myself very well. I think my frustration is just with the general conflation with any criticism or contentious discussion of Classic with the retail community.

It feels like if someone expresses an opinion that conflicts with another person’s conception of what Classic should be, the nijerk response is to dismiss their concerns as retail interests which I just feel is reductive. It doesn’t even have to be a call for change; I received comments like this just for mentioning that the spec change cost was peevesome.

People have different ideas of what the “vanilla experience”, so some arguments are bound to occur. But for people all excited about classic, bludgeoning each other with these “retail dismissals” is really frustrating. Especially since there’s an unpleasant, growing disdain for the retail community on these forums.

I don’t know, it’s just something I’ve noticed on the forums lately that’s been peeving.

the only other thread i was arguing with you on. what do you think moron. the main lfg addon post.

Ahh lets see…

which comment :slight_smile: These are some of yours from an LFG thread (you have so many). I can’t seem to find one directed at me.

Seems like you have a theme of spouting ‘retail trash’ and calling people stupid.


We need an add-on to filter out the spam. Maybe something that could parse the posts in threads and display them in a clean UI that’s easier to read.

We could call it ForumLFG.

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I see. So even if the statement is somewhat accurate, you don’t like that it’s the be-all-end-all argument. I can agree with that; it’s similar to not addressing a point just because you think they might be a troll.

I’d pretend to act better than those who use the ‘retailers’ argument, but I fall into that myself. That said, the defensiveness from the Classic community is quite warranted.

Retail already exists, but nothing (official) exists yet for those who preferred Vanilla. Any changes that make it more like Retail is seen as Classic being ‘stolen,’ and naturally people will defend against that.

To make a metaphor, it’s like the person beside you has rocky-road icecream, and as the shop-keeper is about to hand you vanilla ice-cream, the person beside you leans over and tries taking a bite. You don’t know this person, so naturally you react.

Perhaps a bit too simple, and I’m probably a broken record at this point, but…TL;DR: people don’t want their only chance at returning to Vanilla to be stolen, and therefor become very defensive when it wouldn’t be necessary in another situation.