@retail players asking for change

Thanks for your response.

Glad you’re enjoying it

I don’t think players are being stubborn for wanting to play a version of the game before certain changes came which drove us away in the first place, those players are now back including me.

I didn’t ask for changes back then, I enjoyed the game as it was. I wish they didn’t force players into BC but instead created separate servers that you could copy your Vanilla character onto.

Your Vanilla realm would still be there for you to enjoy.

As I mentioned earlier, certain changes drove me away. The vast majority of players got what they wanted and I had to deal with it until I couldn’t any longer but I’m glad to be playing Classic as the museum piece it is.

I don’t think it does matter that much if transmog is in the game since you would have to aquire the pieces first to mog, so having full epics would still be reputable.

The downside though is that by allowing transmog, player’s can now hide their gear. We can’t see player health in Classic, so we determine their power by what they’re wearing. If it is hidden by some low level gear, power will be misjudged. This opinion is based off of PvP, probably doesn’t matter much outside of that.

I haven’t used guild banks much so I have no comment on that, I think guild banks can be used anywhere though right?

We’re on the same page here.

This is a good answer and I agree.

However; when a player ask for changes that they would like to be incorporated into Classic and if it somehow happens. Where does that leave me? A player who doesn’t want QoL changes, it’s why I’m playing Classic to begin with.

Seeing threads by players asking for change is a threat to me, not physical obviously but they threaten a part and time of the game that I love. It would be like taking a copy of your favorite game and then someone asking for the creators to redesign it around them and what they like.

It’s very frustrating.

I highly doubt that Blizzard will add QoL features into Classic but you never really know with them, they did say Classic would be an authentic experience and so far it pretty much is but their are small changes they had to make so that the game works.


Can we just make Xadie a green already? Sage wisdom…


I am in agreement with you in terms of classic, let it remain the raw material it was That way player’s that never had the chance to play vanilla can see how far wow has come both the good and the bad.

I don’t like Retail, at all, but I also think the #NoChanges crowd are silly too, considering the game is already changed. So you’re more like #MinimumChanges

We should strive to improve the game while simply avoiding what makes Retail bad.

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I don’t understand why people play classic if they have complaints about the game and want things to get nerfed or buffed.

Or things to get removed or added for that matter

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No, you see that’s not true. We know Classic/Vanilla works. We know changes led to the monstrosity that retail became. We don not want that. So rather than changing things we want it is as and enjoy it for what it is rather than what it could be and hope for the best.


Why would I lie? I’ve not played since wotlk.

I only came back for Classic because Vanilla was the best world. Stop putting your hangups on other people.

I get that, but none of what you said points to anything I said as being false.
I don’t want the game to be like retail, but I also don’t want the game to be a stagnate time capsule.

And a museum piece is what, for now, Classic is. It’s what Blizzard wanted Classic to be and even stated as much. We WANT it to stay the same because it works (over all, I know it’s not for everyone), rather than change have the best intentions go horribly wrong.

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Museum piece would be original Vanilla, this aint it. Museum piece wouldn’t be having phases, it would solely be what was at launch and purely that.

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Talking about how you came back for Classic, Vanilla the best world but also want QoL changes? Retail troll, please leave.

I’m fine with Classic+ as long as original Classic servers aren’t messed with, whatever route they go in the future. I hope we can copy our characters onto whatever comes next instead of being forced into that content.

That’s just outright wrong. They are fixing bugs that did not exist back in the bay. Why? Because this is 1.12 patch laid on top of Legion. They are also doing phases to recreate the Vanilla experience as best they can. They do not have the original patches. 1.12 is what they had. So this is indeed a museum piece. As stated by Blizzard themselves.


You need to step off, Vanilla is the best world. BC and beyond was a mistake, not all of the QoL changes were bad. You are being purposely obtuse if you think every aspect of every expansion that came out was terrible. Now that’s trolling.

No, haven’t bought any expansion after wotlk. Deal with it.

I have issue with Classic+ in a sense because I don’t want to split the player base even further. If it comes to pass, then it does. But for that reason, alone, I hope not. I am not against people playing Classic+ itself, just the even larger player divide that would occur.

Says the retail troll, of course they aren’t bad in your opinion. That’s why you want them in Classic.

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Yeah you say that but it aint. By very definition of your term “museum piece” there wouldn’t be any phases or any of that. Stop trying to turn Classic into some kind of holy artifact. It’s getting silly.

Look, you’re trolling now. They weren’t all bad, not everything in the expansions were bad. Stop trying to say everything was garbage after Vanilla. It’s completely false.

This is what Blizzard THEMSELVES have said. You are the one arguing against everyone else plus blizzard. Not me. The only one that disagrees is you. What’s silly is thinking you know better than blizzard AND the original dev team.

Never said I did, just saying if it was a true museum piece there wouldn’t be phases. Everything would be out. Wouldn’t be any reason to not simply release everything. Seems to be more along testing the waters. I could be wrong, who knows. Not my fault they lost the original launch patch.

I never said everything was garbage after Vanilla, I am simply saying I do not care for the QoL changes those expansions brought. It’s why I’m playing Classic now instead of retail, it’s the version of the game I enjoy most because it doesn’t have QoL features that you and many other retail players keep trying to push into Classic.

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