And that’s your opinion. My opinion is that some of the QoL changes are good and would work in Classic. People wanted stuff like transmog in Vanilla. I’d know, I was here on launch date, bugs and all.
Don’t call me a troll because you don’t like my opinion. Whatever Blizzard does or doesn’t do is fine. I’ll keep saying my opinion because that’s what the forums are for.
The funny part is that’s the first thing that comes out of their mouth. Layering and the bug/exploit fixes, in addition to the advanced graphics options that Blizzard allowed to carry over from the 7.3.5 Legion client that Classic runs on…all of it is getting used as an excuse to push their agenda for changes to tailor the game for THEM
I didn’t ask for BC or flying mounts or blood elves. So you can take that holier than thou attitude elsewhere. I can easily point fingers at everyone for everything. Don’t be so salty because people like a few QoL changes. Again it’s -your- opinion. Yours doesn’t outweigh mine. This isn’t -your- personal sandbox.
No the meeting stones did not function that way until after TBC, and what you are referring to is the same way that they now work in retail, which allows you to summon party members to the stone. It basically works the same way as a warlock using their summon spell. There was no LFG menu or a drop down list of dungeons or anything of that nature until after Wrath came around, and even then the early version of it only pulled players from your own server to put in your group. The cross-realm version of it came later when players were complaining about spending too long in the queues during off-peak hours
The QoL features you ask for didn’t exist then so they won’t be implemented because it would contradict Blizzard’s stance on recreating an authentic Vanilla experience.
Meaning I get to enjoy Classic for what it is and you #prochanges people can keep on beating a dead horse I guess.
If this is the case… Well why are you here getting so ragey about something you don’t need to worry about? I stated my opinion here, didn’t call anyone out and you’re the one getting defensive.
If this is your stance go log on and play, nothing to keep you here.
Due to the fact that blizzard did not have any of the original patch data before 1.12, the phases are a compromise of the content the earlier patches brought in the order that they came out in, in an attempt to mimic things in the game as they were more closely.
This does not mean however that it gives anyone else free reign to suggest changes to the game just because there happens to be some minor changes that didn’t exist originally. We didn’t ask for them but we understand they are a necessity. Anything else beyond this just opens the door for more changes. Ion Hazzikostas has said very much the same thing, and referred to Classic as Pandora’s Box. Therefore they have no intention of messing with it to begin with for a reason.
But you just said that Blizzard won’t do any changes and that your word is law. LAW. So how is any QoL requests a threat?
I can understand your frustration but QoL changes will be asked for, regardless if Blizzard does it or not is up to them. I wanted transmog since 2005. My thoughts on that QoL change and really only that is very old.
My words are not law, they are just backed up by Blizzard whom I’m choosing to trust that they keep Classic as authentic to Vanilla as possible in the forseeable future.