@retail players asking for change

Blizzard also wants Classic. If you want changes then go play retail, you don’t belong here.

And not YOU Xadie :heart: it’s a general you.


Not sure I see how spamming chat channels is somehow better than queue which people enter. I don’t think many want to be magically teleported to the instance, that devalues what warlocks offer.

This whole no change this is stupid, you guys do underatand there have already been changes and there will be more changes as patches get applied. There is a big difference between blizz introducing titanforge loot to molten core drops and quality of life elements which are coming regardless.

No wonder Blizzard was so hesitant to release classic, this has to be the worse group of gamers I’ve seen.

QoL isn’t coming, bud. Patching bugs/broken things is not changing. Want QoL things? Great! There is a game for that, and it’s not this one.


Who’s actually worse though, the player’s who want to play the game as it was then or the retail player’s wanting to incorporate QoL changes?


I laugh when people say “but there’s changes already”.

So what changes are there really? Gimme a decent list. And don’t say layering.

No they don’t.



different people have different opinions on what should be in classic +/ are you prepared to take some of the bad stuff you don’t want to get some of the good stuff you do want?

maybe so, but you and your friends is a very small portion of the retail player-base, and we see people here nigh every day asking to change this or that about classic.

so how do propose to keep classic an authentic recreation of vanilla wow when you add these features?

yes, bad no changers, wanting what was asked for.

the community is going to feel different from server to server. you rolled on faerlina, which given the huge number of streamers, is going to have a big impact on that community.

welcome to faerlina. did you try a different server? i have had zero issues with such problems on my server.

you have the player-base that wants classic wow to remain the authentic museum piece it was said it would be, and the one who wants “insert personal change or changes here”.


No wonder Blizzard was so hesitant to release classic, this has to be the worse group of gamers I’ve seen.

How is the #nochanges group terrible? Because we don’t want QoL and other stuff that made us leave the first time?

and quality of life elements which are coming regardless.

We will see. And as soon as they start to dumb the game down to retail, we will be gone.

For the life of me I don’t understand these posts. You already have all of those things you want in retail. GO PLAY THAT GAME. We don’t want that game.


Still no.


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Yes, they do.

By the way, can I get a quick group invite? I need to change layers.

I’m not against any of that. But why would Blizzard do any of that? Right now Classic is a cash cow with Blizzard only have to maintain the servers and do a few minor bug fixes.

Ok let’s start.
Infernals behavior after being released in pvp. No immolation aura.

Mind control being removed in certain areas.

Removal of some race girl pants because deemed offensive or some dhit.

List goes on

That ability will be gone when Phase 2 hits.

I don’t know anyone playing Classic who wants LFD, LFG, LFR or LF anything. All that garbage can be easily had in retail, which is that way ------->

Why are you assuming it’s all Retail players asking for the changes?

I’m here to tell you I want Classic to stay the way it is and I’, mostly a Retail player.

From what I’ve seen, most of the changes are coming from Classic players, not Retail.

You’ve made the claim, offer some evidence.

I am proof. Dont like it? Well, tough.

Oh, I don’t think they should do it until naxx has been out for like 6 months, but that also means they need to start before naxx goes out.

You are not a “they” you are a “me.” Your “evidence” is that you prefer it that way, but not that anyone else does.

You could have just said, you are speaking for yourself only.

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I may have misunderstood you here. I think you’re right. People want the channel LookingForGroup, as it exists in Classic, not LFD as it exists in retail.

That seems to be evidenced by the numbers of people playing Classic (though time will tell if that persists).

I don’t

All of the topics I’ve read asking for changes are from players posting on their retail avatar.

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