@retail players asking for change

Same playerbase with two separate mindsets.


The entire thread is pointless. Blizzard already said these things wouldn’t be in the game. I’m missing the point of all this I guess…

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Guise I want pay to bubble hearth plz
I also want to have flying mounts and the ability to change name so that when I ninja loot no one cares or knows it’s me

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The only change I want is a better community in Classic, like how it actually was in Vanilla WoW. But I just get told to “grow thicker skin” and “go back to retail”.


Us classic wow players are gentlemen and ladies of the highest sophistication and grace. You must have ruffled some feathers to upset us as we are all very helpful and compassionate.
Did you ninja loot? Did you ask where to buy a wow token or how to level boost? If people told you to go back to retail they were joking and had a reason.

Nope, none of those. I told people not to use racial slurs and not say things to women like “get back in the kitchen”.


They are just trolling/joking probably (well hopefully). Report them if it bothers you that much.

We have some people on horde spamming chat for a Donald trump guild lol. People just gonna troll, that is life

How about people just drop it and stop asking for Classic to be changed to suit them? Play it as is or gtfo.

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No U! /10 C

Blizzard will never implement anything like LFD or LFG addons to the base game. They will just say keep using the addon.

No really… it’s not happening. Ever. At all. You just make yourselves not wanted here. And 2bh if I recognize names of people like you in game they auto make the blacklist. Classic stays as is. Blizzard said this many times over. Don’t like it? Leave or uninstall. Preferably the 2nd option.

Let me stop you right there.

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And my equally verbose rebuttal: Yes!

That’s your problem right there.

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Millenials are killing the WoW business, the horror!

What is wrong with you

That’s the spirit!

How so? please explain.

One side wants Classic as is, the other wants changes

This is a good read. 9/10.

Classic is staying the way it is. Blizzard have already said that. Sorry not sorry. #nochanges

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