After seeing some of the stuff I’ve seen I would have to agree with this comment. It’s impossible to even have a discussion on this section of the forum without instantaneously being bombarded by dozens of posters calling everyone names, trolling, and ridiculing posters.
From the looks of it this place is the wild west with no Sheriff in town.
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There is obviously more than just me as linked by examples in this very thread. Hence, people. None is zero, some is one. All is everyone.
something will happen with the level squish and class revamp next expansion if its in it and then they would make the world harder like classic wow.
but chats it classic wows end game is pvp once you beat nax there is nothing left its classic wow run an alt through the same stuff or pvp thats classic wows end game.
retails end game even tho its bad still has more to do.
So… you just admitted that all you see are Retail players asking for changes to Classic because you see Retail avatars asking for changes?
You literally just contradicted yourself.
Also, you don’t watch the forums enough, because I’ve seen plenty of people posting on Classic characters ALSO asking for changes, so you’re basically wrong anyway.
But you can only speak for you.
Back to the topic, I’m not seeing a huge demand for any changes… just pretty much the same tourists demanding the same QQoL that wrecked the game in the first place.
Classic is a museum piece – a moment in time and needs to be left alone.
All the “features” you want are already in retail.
Wouldn’t that be classed as a bug then? I would open a ticket if it’s something that is different to the reference client.
Okay that’s fair. Not exactly grounds to say hey let’s add lfd/g/r because of mind control.
Same as above. Doesn’t give anyone an excuse to want to add lfd/g/r or other QoL additions because of some npc’s pants.
It was a CHANGE. Developers did it because apparently releasing infernals at banks and auction house was too much fun detected
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If players are asking for QoL features then regardless of their avatar. They prefer retail and therefore are retail players.
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As opposed to not #nochangers, wanting what they asked for? 
- Raid frames are from Modern WoW. It’s a significant improvement over what we had in Vanilla. They can also be used as your party frames.
- In-game Voice chat.
- Graphical improvements (SSAO, dynamic shadows; pseudo-procedural HD water, animated foliage.)
- Right-click reporting feature.
- Loot trading in raids.
- Modern addon API.
- Removal of focus.
- Modern game settings UI.
- Multi-item mailing.
- B-net integration.
- Option to use the Chinese Undead models (basically a toggle.)
Are there more? Maybe, this was just off the top of my head.
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Where is this option??? I am honestly asking.
Also player pet bars are missing the “move to” command. And the Stop at Next Flightmaster option was not in Vanilla.
Also, also. Apparently Meeting Stones had some kind of primitive LFG option baked into them that was removed.
Focus exist now? Wut? Where? How? Why?
Nobody cares about LFR except the most casual of casuals. Wich for some odd reason classic players are obsessed with. I wonder why is that? Hint: its not because classic is a super hardcore game.
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SET overrideArchive “1”
into your file.
I think using a console command in-game will work as well. It changes piles of meat into piles of bread as well as a few other “gorey” things.
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changers have what they asked for. it’s current iteration is called Battle For Azeroth. it has spent many years changing at player request.
the problem with those who want changes, as far as i’m concerned, is they are trying to force there crap to where it isn’t supposed to be.
classic was never designed to be a changing game.
classic was never designed to be a game where it “evolves” as some like to say.
classic was designed to be a static, authentic recreation of vanilla wow.
and to ask for changes to that is contrary not only to design, but what was asked for.
if you want changes, retail exists for that. if you don’t like retail, i think that proves my point about why changes is bad for classic.
now you can sit there and say “but we won’t let it go that far”.
and i would have to say, take a look around the forums, you have people asking for everything from the barber shop to LFD…
Neat. Not that I mind gore or anything. I just wondered about covering up some of the bones for my less decaying dedbois.
There are aspects of Classic that are hardcore just as there are in retail, both have their challenges.
Id hardly call midless grinding for lvls as challeging. More like time consuming.
Name anything else that could be challenging on classic that hasnt been disproven it isnt.
Winces. I think we’re already well past that. Basically, we’re on the downward incline of that slippery slope, how far we fall is kinda up to Blizz.