@retail players asking for change

First of all, nothing that I said in that post was even remotely insulting or demeaning about people that play retail. The fact that you took offense to it and/or went on the defensive in your reply to me says a lot more about you than it does me. That being said however let’s go over a few things that you stated I would like to address…

Yes there is a rather large group of players who started playing the game in later expansions. Like Wrath of the Lich King or Cataclysm for example. So it’s not wrong to assume that because things work differently in Classic, that some players will be confused on things and consider them bugs, or complain about certain aspects that are different from retail since they never played in vanilla.

It is also not wrong to assume that perhaps after 15 years there are a lot of things about the game that players have forgotten or remember differently. This is what I meant when I said rose-tinted glasses and the Mandela effect. I myself have experienced this with certain nuances of the game.

This right here is a major assumption that you are making about me which is incorrect. My comments were not made to bash or insult anyone. When I said retail people, I meant people who primarily play retail and prefer it over Classic. Otherwise why would they complain about parts of the game that they don’t like? Especially if it’s a version of the game that they’ve already played before when it was live? Someone in that case would know what they were getting into from the very beginning and would have no reason to complain.

And where in any of my posts did I say anything about a person not being able to comment on something??? Yet another assumption that you chose to make that did not pertain to the conversation at all

They should bring back LFD and LFR and bring back porting to dungeons or raids. We should also get two hearth stones!!!

This is fair, OP. Im a retail first player and agree with this sentiment. My classic toon is at 48 atm and i find it hard continuing the grind but i still wouldnt want classic to have a patch that included lfg/lfd QoL mainly because there are classic only ppl that dont want it.


If you’re so #nochanges then why aren’t you making posts about all of the things that have already changed?

I really hope you’re just being sarcastic here… Or trolling at the very least. People have stated many times over how badly that destroyed server community and identity. I can easily go into the specifics should you wish, but I’m not going to bother unless I know for certain whether or not you’re actually being serious or sarcastic.

such as?


Well, layering is the completely game changing big one

New AV
Cross realm BGs weren’t around until the VERY end, when naxx was released (or after, idr)
Walljumping removed
Completely different chat functions
No old school mounts
Everything is tuned how it was in 1.12 from the beginning

Look i’m not COMPLAINING about these things, but these hard in the paint #nochanges folks don’t really say anything about all of the changes that did happening. Things like wall climbing were HUGE back in the day

Layering will be gone in Phase 2
AV isn’t “new” it’s going to be the AV we had in the reference client 1.12
Not getting xr bgs until appropriate phase
Not sure what you mean by walljumping
what do you mean “completely different chat functions?”
No old school mounts? What specifically do you mean? In beta, Tauren had plainsrunning. Is that what you mean?
Yes, Classic is tuned to 1.12 since it is the reference client.

Virtually all of the things that you listed off came with patch 1.12. We didn’t have any say in that matter because of the fact that 1.12 was the only patch data from Vanilla that Blizzard had to work with for referencing the database to verify things like art assets and such.

Layering was put into the game to ease server populations in the first few weeks. Even while it was active the starting zones were massively overcrowded on launch day. Again this is something that we didn’t ask for nor did we want in the game, but we understood it was a necessary evil for all of us to play at once. Blizzard has stated multiple times however that it is only temporary and will be gone by Phase 2.

The wall jumping thing Blizzard either removed purposefully to avoid players exploiting it in order to access otherwise inaccessible areas of the game such as the Caverns of Time for example, or the absence of it is actually a bug that they haven’t bothered to address yet.

As for why the unarmored mounts aren’t in the game, Blizzard stated that they didn’t want people nolifing/rushing to 60 just to be able to get one before they would get removed. They toyed with the idea of putting it into the game and then removing it like it was before, but then decided not to. The sad part about it is people rushed to 60 anyway, so the removal of them from the game to begin with was pointless.

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Whats so wrong with LFG / LFR? Just a group and a port to a dungeon?

Ah, thanks for that post Shock… I wasn’t sure what he meant about the mount reference.

Many things still haven’t been patched into the game, including epic mounts, DM, BGs (which was XR in 1.12), the honor system, level 50 class quests and the lock/pally mount epic quest chain.

Overall though, the contents are true to 1.12 Vanilla.

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The only thing wrong with them are that they weren’t in Vanilla and therefore, won’t be in Classic.

Fair enough, did they say they would improve and work on it from there or is it like a static piece? either way im happy; i just never understood why people hate lfd so much

According to Blizzard’s promise to we who lobbied for Classic (lol), it is a static museum piece and not a progression server.

Fair enough; its a really fun game. Feels weird playing without dungeons tho

Use your chat channel (LFG) or the Classic addon LFG.

Better yet, join a guild.

Dungeons are FUN and you can actually form and join groups without LFD !!

Yeah you just have to form a group yourself and then physically run to the entrance of the dungeon that you want. They are still in the game, you just don’t have a drop down menu to access them now.

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There were two versions of AV.

The older version would have players fighting for hours or even days at a time before somebody could kill the boss at the end and win.

The new version of AV had a lot of the NPCs removed, which made it easier to Zerg the end boss and finish a match in a few minutes.

As to the chat options he’s talking about, I think that may be because of the fact that the game runs on the Legion 7.3.5 client, so I’m pretty sure that the chat functionality was a holdover from the newer version of the client… Therefore the vanilla chat options aren’t present in the same fashion.

I know. I lived in AV for much of my time in Vanilla :smiley: But I do know we’re getting the 1.12 version and I also know a lot of folks are a bit peeved about it.

I did prefer BGs that literally could last for days, because player-created content is much more fun than being on the rails.

I think there’s even been a blue about why they picked the AV they picked. It made me sadfaced.

As far as the legion engine is concerned, the only reason to have updated the client to the legion engine is for newer machine/equipment compatibility. Can’t say the transition has been seamless but I don’t regard that as a material change to Classic content or mechanics.

Here’s what really irks me about it though.

On retail, Blizzard is bringing back the old AV for the 15th anniversary event for WoW.

They really should have given that to us on Classic. 1.12 be damned

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