@retail players asking for change

Yeah that was so that Classic was able to talk to the battlenet client, and work with their newer servers. I rather like this due to the fact that I can still talk to people on real ID while playing Classic and they are playing retail or some other Blizzard game

Yes. SOB and it will probably be available only to 120s which irks moi

I wonder how hard it would have been to port that old code into Classic, since they already did it for the legion engine for retail?

Is Blizzard just being stubborn about this? I do know there is a pretty substantial thread begging for old AV.

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NTM makes it easier to switch between clients

Agreed. Amazing Blizz still gives me reason to /jawdrop /guffaw /facepalm - this isnā€™t the way for them to regain lost trust.


Outside of Velaraā€™s response, I personal find LFG/LFR a negative aspect and removes the social aspect of rounding people up and doing a dungeon.

Queueā€™s just take everything about socializing out of the equation. Iā€™ve been re-enjoying chattin with people and discussing things as we head to our location (summoning stone, and even then, you got to socialize with warlocks to have stuff like that done).

I feel Retail is an instant gratification-fest and most players use to that arenā€™t use to Classic.

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Iā€™m not sure as to exactly when, whether it was on launch or a later patch, but in TBC the summoning stones were made to function like they do in retail, so locks werenā€™t all that necessary in that regardā€¦ However, that is when it also became possible to use a warlock to summon people inside of an instance. This became very handy especially during the raids, so that you didnā€™t have to run through the maze of rooms and corridors to get to where your group was in the off chance that you came in late, or someone had to do a bank run for more flasks or potions.

Which was awesome especially if your group tended not to clear all the trash. Thereā€™s nothing worse than somebody having to sneak past the trash and failing and then getting killed and having to do a corpse run, and then attempt to sneak by again. Being able to summon to where your group was was invaluable in saving time and repair costs. The caveat to it was, you had to be attuned to the instance you were being summoned to or it wouldnā€™t let you zone in.

Itā€™s the BFA client right now, they updated from the legion one. And the big reason why they didnā€™t put patch 1.5 AV into the game for classic is because as the phases went on (to mirror patch progression during vanilla) that would necessitate the evolution of AV into eventually itā€™s 1.12 iteration. People would moan and complain about that and say they wanted 1.5 AV to remain throughout, when obviously that would fly in the face of what happened in vanilla (which AV did change).

So what did they do? They side-stepped the entire issue by giving you one version of AV for all of classic (just like the other bgs) once it comes out in phase 3.

Even if we had true patch 1.1 progression, AV would still have to change throughout classic as well. You cannot pick and choose which iterations you want to be locked in time while itā€™s counterparts get released or modified.

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That is a very good point. In that regard, #nochanges is a double edged sword that cuts both ways.

We are not able to pick and choose what we like vs what we donā€™t like if it contradicts that philosophy

In light of this, we need to strongly urge Blizzard not to release patch 3.3.0 for Wrath later on. That was the birth of the dungeon finder which believe it or not was cross-realm to begin with. It originally pulled people from your battle group only, but later it evolved to utilizing players from all servers. I would much rather avoid it altogether if at all possible by not having that patch put into the game to begin with.

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