I don’t think you understood the moral of that particular fable, unless you are saying #nochangers helped in coding Classic and everyone else didn’t.
Maybe not the coding aspect, but but when it came to everything else in getting Blizzard’s attention by drawing up and signing the petition, being one of the many thousands of active players on Nostalrius, and the team behind that server having talks with Blizzard employees etc.
Without any of them Classic would not exist. And the people who harassed and disparaged them and treated them like trolls in the Wall of No…who not only did nothing to help them they did everything to stand in their way…they are the ones who have their hand out for that slice of bread.
So yes I understand that fable quite well
So… only those specific people can play Classic? Cause that’s what it sounds like you’re saying. No one else but those people that you think contributed should get the benefit of the end product.
Because this is a really tasty piece of bread I’ve been snacking on. But I think it might even be better with some peanut butter and jelly. To continue the bread metaphor.
Also. Now I am hungry.
That’s not what I’m saying at all.
It’s a slight variation on the story mind you, but as I said this only applies to the people who are looking to change it somehow either by adding retail features, or QoL changes or any other suggestions people make in an attempt to try to alter the game from it’s original form.
I have no problem with anyone who wants to play the game…it’s the people who aren’t satisfied with the game and thinks it needs to change for them that I have a problem with
Because what you want isnt an improvement in our eyes
I think I am following your logic.
The Red Hen (Blizz) wants to bake bread (Classic) and sell it to all the little animals on the farm (Players).
Some of the farm animals give her ideas on how to bake, encourage her to make the best bread she can, they may even know where some super secret ingredients she can use in the bread are hidden.
When the bread is done the Hen (wanting to make as much money as possible) offers her bread to all the animals on the farm including the ones who didn’t help, didn’t know the bread was being baked, and maybe even didn’t want bread in the first place.
This makes some of the farm unhappy especially when those other animals want to add jelly to the bread, or sprinkles, or maybe they just want pizza.
Is that about right, cuz I am really going deep with this bread-hen-thing.
More or less you got the idea.
Even things that can be considered an improvement… I don’t want any changes to the game at all.
The reason why is because the second that Blizzard makes a change to the game because enough rando’s complained/begged/whined/raged about it on the forums to the point where they couldn’t bear listening to it anymore and decides to cave and give them what they want… That is when I and countless others will unsub.
As soon as word gets out that a change was made because enough people complained about it or begged for it or what have you, then everyone and their dog will insist that their changes be put into the game also. And on and on the cycle continues until the game is no longer Classic at all. This is how we ended up with retail over the last several years, and I have no desire in watching history repeat itself.
I personally would love to have AoE looting, multi tag mobs, item sorting in bags, guild banks, the reagent bank tab, colored borders on items to indicate rarity without having to hover over each and every single one of them, and several other convenience features that retail offers… But I also know that some of those features would alienate everyone who came back to play the game from private servers, and everyone else who just quit WoW altogether. And I’m not an inconsiderate piece of who only cares about myself, so I’m not going to ask for any of these things.
I actually have common sense and I’m smart enough to know that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Yes I just quoted Spock get over it LOL
Transmogs, barber shop, mostly cosmetic stuff.
Not everyone defines quality of life the same way.
Some people consider transmog and a built in quest helper to be a quality of life change.
Does new content and story sound amazing? Yes.
In practice it would still be modern blizzard making it.
Not directing this at the op, but the thought of classic retailers telling retailer retailers to go back to retail, is pretty funny.
I agree, but I think that Classic+ should be separate servers with the same design philosophy as Vanilla. Servers that we could copy our Classic characters onto and leave the Classic servers unchanged.
Nice idea, but the same design philosophy as Vanilla left the building years ago.
The current dev team only know how to frankenstein D3/WoW mechanics. MMORPG design is foreign to this bunch.
In fact, the Classic team is having difficulty making the original class mechanics work correctly. That’s because they’ve been out of the game for so long, the original class design/mechanics is a mystery to them.
I have no faith at all that any modern Blizz devs could competently add to Classic with the same atmospherics, design, gameplay, dungeon/raidplay, etc.
I have every faith that the exceptional art and music department could faithfully re-create original art and music. Those two departments have always excelled.
But apart from a pretty package, Classic+ is a fantasy that I don’t think could ever come to fruition.
Sad but true.
The current dev team only know how to frankenstein D3/WoW mechanics.
You mean like how they stole talent trees from D2 originally?
The please fix threads stem from people who play retail. People that are irritated about gathering professions that have a chance to fail, having to hit mining nodes more than once to get all of the ore, or when working on their fishing watching the whole cast bar deplete to nothing and not catching a damn thing. These are just a few that I can think of off the top of my head that people would complain about. This of course isn’t counting any of the in-game mechanics that most other people consider bugs because they don’t behave the same way in vanilla/Classic.
A lot of it is mostly rose-tinted glasses and/or The Mandela effect. I honestly feel sorry for Blizzard with the task that they have to sift through everything in these threads and then having to determine what’s actually a legitimate bug and what is working as intended.
The bug forums are pretty good and am happy to report those things on the bug list that actually are bugs have gotten attention from blue.
Also, there is the category of bugs that originally existed in the reference client and Blizzard has stated more than once, that they are not fixing those.
Since Blizzard North developed D2, it can hardly be said that Blizzard “stole” from itself. LOL.
I loved the original talent trees. SO happy to have them back
Lets be honest. Even though cross server dungeon group ques weren’t a thing in classic Wow they should have been. people have been asking for that constantly I know since atleast TBC and I would assume well before that. Without even trying to be mean here we all know that the people whining saying they don’t want cross server dungeons in classic are the same type of people who start screaming crying and pulling their hair out everytime their mom walks into their room to change their bed sheets because they can’t handle change. I mean seriously cross server dungeon queing adds NOTHING NEGATIVE to the game.
You’re only partially right.
My 1st car, was the greatest. Because I FINALLY. HAD. A CAR!
Many years later, I know it was crap compared to what I have now.
If I found an exact replica of my 1st car today I would think it was sweet to drive one again.
I would also be allowed to point out differences and say, man this car is slow.
Or wow, the trunk cant hold hardly anything.
It doesn’t mean I’m a “new car guy” it doesn’t mean I hate my old car either.
it doesnt mean if I choose to drive both that I can’t like a little about both.
So, you bashing “retail people” (new car people) is really, really inacurate IF AND ONLY IF they never played Classic to begin with.
But you calling Vanilla people “retail people” is simply wrong. Inaccurate and misguided.
The only people you can “bash” are people playing "Vanilla (classic) for the very 1st time. And how do you know their resume? (unless they reveal it)
Classic has a LOT of crappy features and annoying requirements.
Me hopping on a flight path, doing 2 loads of laundry and washing the dishes before I land does not make it a good RPG or MMO, it just doesn’t.
And you saying who can and cant comment on things is really presumptuous to begin with.