@retail players asking for change

It literally is.

might as well just play retail

Says the 120

No. Noooooo. Nope. No. You want xmog? Go to retail. I personally LOVE xmog! But I also know it has no place in Classic. I am not a child and expect games to change to suit me, rather I play games that I like as they are.

Think the only thing they could do to help with the awful combination colors you get throughout leveling is add dyeing.

Thatā€™s just a minor adjust and it eliminates transmogs need totally.

You donā€™t like being a Rainbow Raider!?

Well, I played Vanilla so Iā€™m use to it. Haha. But just a player looking at two worlds and trying to see a way to build a bridge somewhere.

QoL is fine, but I get not adding the stuff people feel led to what Retail is now.

I think dyes are a nice QoL and still allows you to avoid transmog entirely and let you also have some customization to your gear.


How do you know WHO is asking for these changes? Just assuming?

I see A LOT of ā€œBlizzard pls fixā€ threads in Classic and I think itā€™s classic people violating their own mantra TBH.

Dear Classic Lovers,

Thereā€™s nothing to ā€œfixā€ in classic.

This is the game you asked for.

Shut up.


how about you guys just request meeting stone functionality from 1.12 to be turned on. that is the LFG that Vanilla had, its the only one that would be acceptable to be added as well as it fits in the #nochanges.

Wrong, the premade group finder would be great.

110% YES to this, the game became crap once the ā€œeasy modeā€ came into play, sure it was exciting to farm Heirlooms but now I cant stand them ā€¦I hate easy mode

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Wrong. Go enjoy your group finder in retail. You will never have it here and it has no place in Classic.


Iā€™ve always felt Retail is the instant gratification incarnate of why itā€™s the way it is now (save the dumb grinds like rep/azerite Blizz put in).

Everything in Classic makes you work for what is good.

Want a good PT? Socialize and grab people to do stuff with. I had a great time running all over Redridge with what started out with a priest.

We went from killin orcs to getting 5 people to kill fangore among other things. If it had not been for a time constraint, Gath and the other guy would have been toast.

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Retail sucks, Iā€™m not asking for the game to be like retail with itā€™s storyline and all that nonsense. Stop saying ā€œGo bk 2 RtAiLā€ because nobody is asking for classic to be exactly like retail. Itā€™s so played out and ignorant.

How is it child like to ask for some improvements? Do you just accept everything in life, every game? I bet you donā€™t. The entire human existence is to improve. Iā€™m sick of your insults.

Personally I think they should remove lfd and lfr in retail. It will bring the community closer together, I also think they should remove sharding and war mode, bring back pvp servers!

another stupid comment in these forums, the lfg heā€™s talking about is the premade group finder where you can create a group and people can apply to it, not the teleport to dungeon feature, jesus people are dense here

Armor dying and the ability to turn off any equipment slot would be something Iā€™d be down for. I donā€™t like my druid with shoes.

I am not here to tell you to go back to retail, but the issue was not just the story with retail, its the changes to things they added to game like the LFR and LFD that we did not like, it removed a lot of the community in game.

personally I think they need to implement the function of the meeting stones, as it would help with those who are asking for a lfg system, and since these were in vanilla, those of us who want classic to be as close to vanilla will still be happy.

sounds like meeting stone functionality that is missing, why not just request that to be implemented instead, as those were in vanilla in patch 1.12ā€¦

Another stupid person commenting while assuming what I meanā€¦ And it doesnā€™t matter as my comment applies to both. They legit broke an add on that does exact that. Guess why? :thinking::thinking::thinking: So mo, you eonā€™t be getting this. No. Noooooo. Nope. No.