I really don’t think you guys know what you’re arguing for anymore. You said nothing will change yet you pearl clutch constantly which tells me you don’t even believe in what you preach. The fact you cannot even make coherent poitns without you guys resorting to insults or MUH BLIZZ says a lot.
Willfully ignorant while trying to change games to suit him like a child. Essentially fingers in his ears screaming I CAN’T HEAR YOU and demanding what he wants! He wants only his stuff! Now! Wonder who else does this
already proved otherwise. and frankly, a quality of life change is something that has no impact on gameplay. not “little”.
transmog is not a quality of life change
Idk, phase 2 should be fun. By then a bunch of people should hopefully be done with raids, mostly, so some epic battles happen for the sake of honor farming. I have a feeling Tauren Mill/South Shore, STVietnam, and Ashenvale are gonna be pretty heated.
What you fail to realize, is that if Blizzard wanted the retail quest pointer functionality put into Classic, they would have added it from the get-go. The reason that they didn’t is because it didn’t exist in vanilla. This falls under the #nochanges rule.
Questie and other add-ons like it are the best you’re going to get. I realize you proposed to have a check box that allows you to toggle it on and off, which is great and all, but it doesn’t belong in Classic regardless, and it would be extremely irritating to have to uncheck a whole bunch of boxes the next time I logged in once that hypothetical update went through.
I really wish there were more people in the forums like you. It is refreshing to actually see somebody that has common sense for once. All these Classic+ drones have been severely trying my patience. Caxtren’s patience even more so it seems
The expansions on separate servers is the only way to go moving forward post Naxx in my opinion. Classic+ belongs in a dumpster alongside retail.
I’m really getting tired of everyone thinking they’re going to play GateKeeper regarding potential upcoming expansions. People saying things like “TBC was good but not Wrath, so don’t put out anything else” etc.
So yesterday I felt that we had a rather good discussion, with me even admitting
that I am in agreement with you to let classic remain as it is now. That way player’s that never experienced vanilla can see the difference between the two.
But, you than like a post like this. Did you find our discussion distasteful for this forum setting? Was having a debate on the topic with both side represented unwanted? If all you wish to have is a echo chamber with no dissenting opinions that is fine. But I would recommend retitling your thread as it implies that you do what debate. Thank you have a wonderful morning.