@retail players asking for change

All these little changes you and everyone like you wants is what lead to retail. “I only want this and this”. Hey, those guys got that why can’t we have this!? On and on. If they give in to any changes people will be up in arms both because OF changes that they promised would never happen and because some changes got put in that were asked for so why not theirs!? You mindlessly drone on and on not caring rhe resounding no you were told by both the community and pre emptive no by blizzard because of these reasons. And you call anyone else silly…


A good start would be anything that can replicated by an add on that also exists in the default UI. Especially with the ability to toggle for people who don’t want them. Those would be a no brainer.

So much this. No means no means no. Enjoy the game or leave. You have your answer 100000000x fold.


I dunno, man. I was fuzzy on that one. I just remember someone saying that they worked as a LFG at one point but it was horrible so Blizz took it out. And then they didn’t bother to put it in Classic. I only ever remember them working as they do now, or in Retail as a summon.

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it doesn’t matter what people wanted in vanilla wow. it doesn’t matter what might make the game better. what matters is classic remaining what was asked for, and what was promised.

no, it isn’t. but what it is, is a world that is supposed to not change, be an authentic recreation of vanilla wow, and appeal to those who wanted vanilla wow back.
it is not supposed to be a game that appears to be vanilla but with “insert quality of life change i enjoyed” into it.

that is a huge list of changes and not everything that add-ons do is considered quality of life.

Slippery slope fallacy? Really? I thought we were more progressive than this in 2019.

See you’re getting defensive. By your own words nothing will change and yet you feel the need to dictate to us how nothing will change and any changes are BAD and the DEVIL.

If you’re right then you got nothing to worry about. So spending your time here defending something that you say will never change seems a bit more silly. Since technically you’re the winner correct?

All your opinion, man.

You should try actually reading the entire sentence. I specified anything that add ons do that is part of the default UI now. And with toggles are all entirely optional. Which is win win for everyone.

I am here trying to shut the vocal minority the hell up before they try and break WoW again. People like you ruined it.

it’s also Blizzard’s which is why he/she writes it, understand?

I think what you’re referring to was the functionality the innkeepers have in queueing up for a dungeon and having the game automatically choose players who also use that same system to put them in a group.

The problem was that the game didn’t bother to do role checks, and you could easily end up in groups that didn’t have a tank or a healer.

You still had to run to the dungeon however, so the teleportation function wasn’t there. But yes once upon a time the stones served to automatically make your group, but it didn’t work the way it should have. This was all prior to TBC however if I recall correctly

almost everything on this forums is an opinion.

the default ui now includes a built in quest helper, and a tab to hold mounts and pets. those aren’t quality of life changes. they impact gameplay.

the slippery slope fallacy says that one change leads to more changes.
well when you have people in here asking for changes based on the existence of other changes - what do you call that? the slippery slope is not a fallacy for classic.


Yes, you’re totally not defensive.

No reason to be here, nothing will change so the talks are done. Your desires are law, nothing will change, nope, not ever. Only what you want matters.

Yes it was the QoL changes that broke the game not the massive sweeping changes to classes, skills, mobs the environment that changed the game. It was that pesky transmog that did it.

Than why are you here?

Does nobody not see the insanity in this? Blizzard and you guys say you’re on the same page, nothing will change than why are you here constantly making thread after thread attacking people for differing opinions?

transmog impacts gameplay and thus is not solely a quality of life change.

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Only what Blizzard says matters. THEIR words are law. You seem to overlook this you moron. You sit here arguing knowing that you were told no over and over. And you try to talk down on anyone else defending what blizzard has already told you? Get over yourself. You are disturbed if you cannot see how sad this really is.


We arent the ones making thread after thread asking, demanding most times, changes that THEY want be made. We are here telling no. See the difference? It’s not us making the threads. It’s us repeating Blizzard till the thread is ended.

No it doesn’t, it doesn’t make raids easier, it doesn’t increase dps or change anything that matters. Except maybe make enchanting more expensive which shouldn’t be an issue if you’re in a guild running stuff.

Also the Slippery Slope fallacy is what certain groups of people use to make sure things don’t get better or nothing changes. I find it ironic that in the real world this thinking is looked down upon, here it’s like the golden standard for some of you.

I only made this thread after reading many others asking for changes to a recreated game, the whole point of this thread was to reach out to retail players or players in general asking for changes to go your separate way, if you don’t like Classic for what it is at least.

Just like you don’t want us in retail forums asking to remove QoL features from BFA and future expansions.

Play the version of the game you like, stop trying to change core aspects of game design Classic is built upon to fit your particular playstyle when it is available already in modern WoW.

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