Retail PET AI (hunters)

More like why are you trying to cover for a bad tank lol?

It’s also a bad Hunter I should clarify

ever heard of threat drops? boss drops threat, pet growls as threat drops grabs aggro, instacleave. I mean its not that hard to imagine is it? what about hydross in SSC? that will be a fun fight, lol.

Pugs are usually not that great man, I get it he’s a bad tank but the wrong Ai here is not helping the situation… Meanwhile my kitty druid cant hit the damn target because LOL BACKSTAB does not land from any other side than the backside…

If you’re in a raid and the pet is pulling the boss I feel like you should throw away the whole raid.

I thought pets also go behind the boss in retail

its actually possible on a threat wipe, that’s gonna be interesting, but point is using the wrong Ai in the wrong game is not something anyone should be backing here… Its just yet another reason why private servers are going to win VS blizzard in the long run because they’re actually taking care to get things right.

Correct its a part of the retail pet Ai.

Yeah I’m not sure I’m a Hunter and I’ve never had this issue

because you’re not leaving growl on or whatever it is.

This is the TBC Classic forum. Here’s the proper forum for your complaint:

We’re talking about TBC not retail; this is a TBC problem because they have the Retail pet Ai.

I don’t think that’s the problem

I think the problem is growl being on

Pets attacking from behind is necessary so the pet doesn’t get cleaved to death

Just don’t use growl when there’s a dedicated tank?

The pet AI is kind of goofy though. For example, if you’re attacking a group of NPCs and tell your pet to go attack an NPC not in combat, but recall it back to the group of NPCs in combat with the pet attack command… when those NPCs die your pet will still rush back to the ones not in combat unless you put your pet into passive, but that’s a whole different topic from this.

Manage your pet better instead of expecting the NPC to do everything for you.

I’ve been at it for 16 years. Give me some time, okay?

Hard to manage that tbh.

Imagine if the hunter had to stand on the path to send the pet in to assure he was at his back.

That’s would be nuts.


I feel like this AI is the best for us.

Managing the let to always be behind the boss would really be annoying.

It’s a good thing the pet tries to go behind the boss at all times.

Either have hunter turn growl off or get a better tank?

Whatever, this is the kind of rationalization that’s killed WoW.

Yes pets trying to stay behind a boss is what killed wow…

Why not turn taunt off? I’m confused why this isnt an option.

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Basically this.

Even if there’s a threat wipe and the pet is the first one on the boss the Pet’s just going to get one shot anyway.