Retail PET AI (hunters)

The retail PET AI is creating some problems, the pet wants to get behind the target, but the problem with this is when the Pet has its Taunt turned on and then the boss spins around and round and round and cleaves the whole group down; worse the parry haste from the boss deletes tanks.


(Its a problem in pugs), and honestly should not be a problem because we should not have the retail PET AI.

They said they had all the data from original TBC. Are you sure that’s a retail thing?

I think we have a solution for this.


Player created problems have player created solutions.


I’m not saying your request is wrong, and I’m not trying to troll BUT:

That’s a bad, or very, very unlucky tank if he’s getting outthreated by growl

Tell the hunter to turn off growl. I’ve never played hunter, but isn’t this also a waste of his pet’s resource?

Hunters unfortunately only understand BIG numbers and its just /sigh…

PET Ai is part of the core kinda like RNG is part of the core, the Database is also an emulation not a direct 1:1 because it cant work with the modern retail core.

The problem isn’t only when taunt is active. I’ve had this happen to me multiple times. It’s weird because it never happens when the pet is tanking, but when it’s targetted by a boss, the pet is constantly trying to get behind the boss. It’s weird.

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It insane chaos, and need to be fixed… seriously nit hard to kill the code that makes the pet go behind the target, hell that wasn’t even legit for the era so killing it is a double win.

Is this a joke??

Bro turn taunt off!!! Like who has that on in a dungeon?? That’s your problem man, not the retail pet AI. I’m pretty certain that they haven’t used retail AI because had they the pets would just jump down from ledges vs pathing. I wish they would have implemented this. Retail pet AI is what we want trust me bro.

Yeah yeah I get it Hunters are generally stupid as hell, but the PROBLEM would not be as bad if they used the correct Ai, soooooo keep propping up Blizzard’s poor quality Mmmmkay?

This is not even technically that, this is like the worst of all of it… But the part that has the pet get behind the boss in a game that has threat mechanics is a very bad design choice, and why it did not exist in original TBC for this very reason.

An easier solution would be to remove hunters from the game.

The class was a mistake.


As a hunter since early Vanilla, I resemble that remark.

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I’d rather they removed druids to be honest, hunters can stay; its important to have a zugzug friendly class in game. Problems here are not related to the class being in game tho its because Blizz has garbage can quality and cant be bothered to fix the bugs.

Why druids? Because removing furries from any game is a good thing. IMO Hunters should be able to tame druids who’re too stupid to shift out of cat / bear / travel / bird.


If the pet taunt is pulling off the tank you need a new tank throw him away.

But don’t spit on him

I am more concerned that the pet Taunt is pulling off the tank. What is the tank doing?


That’s what I’m saying.

If the pet taunt is pulling threat off the tank throw the tank away

Getting a tank for a pug… plz dont make me get another.

If the pet taunt is pulling threat you don’t have a tank

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Why is everyone trying to cover for Blizz on this?