Can’t get a message through
I guess he’s still shook
Can’t get a message through
I guess he’s still shook
I dont think there’s a single soul out there that thinks BC had quality arena content, even during BC
I’m pretending to be a nice guy cause I called Venruki a down to earth dude? That’s just stating a fact.
Replying to fellow posters isn’t harassment.
Blizzard diluting the player base with all their cheesy cash grab servers is awful. “Blizzard the games dead, please fix”. Ok, here’s Plunderstorm, and two trash classic releases…
Stop supporting the game and let it die already. Kill it with fire.
The game is fun!
Because it makes him mad that he can’t succeed with minimal effort.
Banger mode.
Even if I could hit glad, then what? Games boring as sin. Dead Bg’s, dead world pvp, and a barely functional arena. If that’s fun to you, it’s all yours.
Evidence proves you wrong in every single way though. The player base gets smaller with every expansion. Soon you’ll have your sandbox all to yourself.
BGs active tho
As is wpvp although it does taper off a wee bit mid-late season, as do most things
Works just fine what
Idk buddy I have a lot of fun blasting bgs on my warlock and evoker
SL had one of the highest openings and DF has had one of the highest retention rates (If SL would of been better DF probably would of had insane numbers tbh) in recent years though from what I’ve heard, can you link your sources to these claims?
Why are you on the wow forums if you hate the game this much?
If I held the same views as you I would be unsubbed and uninstalled and never even bother reading or posting on the forums.
Really weird behavior
Where did I mention any specific format? Sorry you’ve lost me.
I don’t understand your meaning?
The specifics of what a streamer does doesn’t change that they’re going through the motions. Whatever their grind is that’s their job man. It’s all to some degree essentially a show, they’re all aware they’re on camera & portraying a specific side of themselves.
I’ll queue with you Kennie. And my first 2k ever was disc/arms/blood dk back in legion so meme comps will always have a warm place in my heart if you’re feeling cheeky.