Retail is better then Classic. There I said it

Its not better or worse.

Its just different. I like healing on my pally in pvp in classic more. I like raiding in Classic more. I like the daily world quests and mythic+ of retail.

Yeah, Retail definitely has some things going for it!

I wasnā€™t a big fan of a lot of the RNG for gear grinding in BFA, and a few other things, but Iā€™m looking forward to Shadowlands.

you are enjoying retail right now because it is new and shiny to you and classic is not, when you learn more about a game you start to be more aware of the problems that you arenā€™t aware of when you are fresh, i guess weā€™ll see where you stand 3 months into SL.


I do agree that trinkets are good and memorable in retail. But other gear isnā€™t. I agree, DFT and Rejuv Gem are mostly memorable purely because how good items they are, but note that +hit is rare and exciting, itā€™s not just +AP. But there are many items which are memorable for other reasons. The biggest culprit is the set bonuses. The fact that they are gone in retail is horrendous. I was giggling like a girl when I finally completed my T2 priest set. I will forever remember the effect: your greater heals have a HoT component equivalent to a rank 5 renew. 3 piece is %15 more combat mana regen. 5 piece is an auto-fade. Near useless. But memorable.


Yeah I will admit retails gearing system is less fun than classic the last two expacs but I think retail has much better gameplay.

Iā€™m currently in my 6th pug vs premade bg in a row, getting dunked on while they emote me cause they are sweaty try hards who abuse a bad system. Raiding is a snoozefest, frostbolt x 1000, no challenging mechanics. Overall, imo retail is just a better game in the areas that matter to me. If you like chasing gear for months on end to feel excited for a couple minutes. Have at it brother. Iā€™m waiting for TBC arenas / SLands.


K, Thatā€™s YOUR opinion on it. Doesnā€™t make it true.


Uh so you want to say that classic pvp system is better than retails? That the raids are more interesting and engaging? Iā€™d love to hear this argument.


nah man, every time I try retail it doesnā€™t play like MMO. Itā€™s something else, more like a game plays you first person shooter game. Not my thing.

Classic is the real deal.


Why would I debate anything with a retail window licker? Itā€™s not even an MMO anymore, no community, no challenge in anything outside of mythic raiding. Retail has been a dumpster fire for several expansions now.


Have you tried queuing a random BG in retail as a fresh 50 now that pvp scaling is removed? Lol itā€™s also a horrible experience.If you say ā€œjust get gear and youā€™ll enjoy itā€ I reply with ā€œjust join a premade and you will enjoy itā€.

Unlike retail, where all gear is invalidated every single patch, gear in Classic lasts forever (since servers will be kept as a museum piece) or at least for two expansions (rejuv gem, darkmoon card: blue dragon, scarab brooch). The excitement lasts waaaay longer than a minute.


Cause you just chimed in to say something? If you dont want to have a conversation about it, you donā€™t have to buddy. Its okay =)


I havenā€™t. Although, gear disparity + premades exist in classic wow. Premades arenā€™t a thing in retail, thats RBGs where its premade vs premade. Random BGs are alot more fun on retail for sure. Iā€™ve yet to play a BG where we win in 4 minutes spawn camping someone on retail.

It is interesting, although anecdotal, over the last few months I have been playing retail and I found a very cool, relatively casual RP/raiding guild over there. Most of them have tried classic, but I donā€™t think any of them actively play it anymore. When I ask them why they donā€™t play classic, I get a variety of answers ranging from the crappy graphics annoy me to the raid schedules and world buffs are annoying to I guess Iā€™m just used to and invested in retail, but none of them mirror the complaints about classic voiced in this thread and none of them have anything negative to say about the actual content in classic.


Every time blizzard has discussed what players do in the game they always tell us that very few players play all parts of the game. Some just raid log. Others pvp and donā€™t raid. Some level alts over and over again until they have every class and race or even multiples of them. Any discussion of which is better needs to discuss each aspect of the game separately. Is leveling better in classic or retail? Is pvp better? Is raiding better?

But even then you couldnā€™t get an answer because fun is subjective. I once posted that leveling in classic is harder than leveling in BfA. In BfA you have a little arrow that points you directly to the quest objective. The number of mobs between where youā€™re at and where youā€™re going is significantly less than in classic so you can go almost straight there without getting bothered by mobs on the way. There are fewer pats so youā€™re less likely to get surprised by a mob in retail. If you do draw aggro and have to run the mob follows you a lot longer in classic. And with the greater mob density youā€™re more likely to aggro additional mobs during that longer run in classic.

I think thatā€™s objectively true. I think it makes leveling more difficult and more fun. But thatā€™s a subjective opinion. People may accept that itā€™s true but many responded that thatā€™s not fun, thatā€™s tedious. Thereā€™s no right or wrong here, Fun is subjective.

We could do this for each part of the game. I donā€™t like 40 man raids. I was so happy when they made smaller raids in BC and Wrath. Other people have posted that they hated the smaller raids. For them the 40 man raids are an exciting ā€œeventā€ that are more fun.

For me and for the parts of the game I play classic, and BC and Wrath were far more fun in almost every single way then BfA. For you BfA and the parts of the game you play might be better. Thatā€™s really all we can say because fun is subjective.


I have actually done this in retail, premading with Cryptids League. You can premade by syncing pop up windows before you join. Itā€™s just that there is not much incentive to do so.


Yeah im sure you could, I personally havenā€™t seen a premade on retail. Luckily your statement above is why it pretty much never occurs. Blizzard stopped incentivizing pug stomps cause its dumb and not meaningful play for anyone. There is a reason the classic honor system existed only in classic, cause it is garbage. Zero skill players / bots getting the best gear in the game for pvp.


If retail was so good the game would be flourishing. Its not. Its slowly dying. The next expansion is not even out yet and gets bombarded already on all fronts by what was seen in the beta. Even their posterboy asmongold is not fond of it.

Long story short, retail sucks


People have been saying that for over a decade. Thatā€™s a really, really slow death.


You know classic has less players active than launch right. I guess weā€™re both dying =(


And yet it is a death nonetheless.