No AH, no Mailbox, no grouping or begging for buffs…I can see why.
I just deleted a lvl 9 tonight. Spent a few hours on him and really liked him–almost unlocked my hunter pet too. Dead though…I’ve found that hardcore makes every fight require attention and effort. Every drop matters too. White drops are exciting. Green drops are worthy of linking to guild chat to celebrate. Blue…well, didn’t see one yet.
Hardcore is absolutely amazing.
wow you can cut the cringe from this comment with a knife
How did you even find this post to necro it?
So i think a crazy funny hardcore retail experience would be (level to 10) only battlegrounds to max level. Hardcore. any class any spec I think it would be hard regardless.
You mean just leveling in bgs? Or death = permadeath?
Bgs give so little xp now that they aren’t useful for leveling.
Afking, terrible scaling,.glitches
The other day, I leveled up a warrior without trying to avoid dying. I ran dungeons, jumped from heights, and dueled Alliance players (my warrior is an orc), and I didn’t die even once. Hardcore just isn’t possible in retail.