Does anybody have any good resources/ rules for running a retail hardcore alt? Also does anybody know of any guilds/ server that exist in retail dedicated to a hardcore play through?
So far I have:
Delete char if you die
No Heirlooms
No gold transfers from other alts/ main
No group finder.
Yes I know I can do this in classic, but I enjoy the retail leveling experience and updated graphics and classes. I’m looking for a hard core lite experience don’t have the time nor patience to deal with a classic grind.
You wouldn’t last long no matter what . If you wish hardcore retail that means given up all the qol of modern wow.which would hardly be realistic.
Let start at the beginning ,you do your own gear and gear drops ,form your own dungeon and raid with no enchants even it you can make them ,get you own food ,make you own gold in game with no outside gold daddy or mommy. <which will in itself kill you game. Sure for the adventurist this is a challenge but in all you’ll not go far fast(unless you wish spend years running through the content in bare skibbles .
Have to play with Warmode on, otherwise it’s way too easy. It makes sense in Classic where a bad pull could literally ruin the entire run but on Retail, there is hardly anything in the game that is a threat until you are already maxed out.
You wana go ultra hardcore?
push “p” open your spell book and only click your abilities from there, no mounts allowed either btw AND you can’t roll a class that can bubble or self heal.